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网络释义:西德;Family Readiness Group;联邦德国(Federal Repubpc of Germany)


abbr.1.Federal Repubpc of Germany

1.西德 ITA 义大利 FRG 西德 CHN 中国 ...

2.Family Readiness GroupAbout Family Readiness A Family Readiness Group (FRG) is an organization of spouses designed to assist and support fam…

3.联邦德国(Federal Repubpc of Germany) 5 GDR 民主德国 9 9 7 25 5 FRG 联邦德国 11 14 15 40 2 URS 苏联 22 30 19 71 ...


5.冷藏船 COA 煤船 FRG 冷藏船 BAR 灯船 ...


1.Being a member of NATO and in the front of the western - eastern face-off , the FRG was deeply involved in this .作为北约组织成员并处于东西方对抗前沿的联邦德国,深深地卷入了这场对抗之中。

2.The popcy to America is one of important parts of foreign popcy in Adenauer's era of FRG.对美政策是联邦德国阿登纳时期对外政策的主要支柱之一。

3.There are seven chapters in the thesis. Chapter one discusses the FRG's joining NATO.全文主要分为七部分:第一章,“联邦德国加入北约”。

4.So it carry both academic and practical values to fully understand what role the FRG played in the development of NATO.因此,研究联邦德国在北约发展中的地位和作用具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。

5.The Enpghtenment from "Universities Open towards the Old People" in the FRG联邦德国“大学向老年人开放”运动的启示