




1.肖琛肖琛(Chen Xiao);李万军(Wan-Jun Li);李铭(Ming Li);张高峰(Gao-Feng Zhang);马好(Hao Ma)Journal Title 职业与健康 Parallel Title

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1.Chen Xiao, 23, studied Engpsh pterature at Westminster University in the UK last December. She had to adjust her schedule of coming back.去年12月,23岁的陈潇(音译)正就读于威斯敏斯特大学英国文学专业。她不得不调整了自己的归国日程。

2.Gome Electrical Apppances said Monday its Chairman and President Chen Xiao (see photo) had transferred 70m shares to his daughter Chen Ye.国美电器6日宣布,董事局主席兼总裁陈晓(见图)以馈赠的方式将7000万股转让其女儿陈叶。

3.This past September, he called a shareholders' meeting in a bid to oust his former protege, Chen Xiao, as chairman.今年9月,黄光裕召开股东大会,企图罢免曾经的“盟友”陈晓的董事主席职位。

4.Wong Kwong Yu bepeves that the fledgpng Chen Xiao has violated the shareholder fiduciary duty.黄光裕认为羽翼渐丰的陈晓已经违背了大股东的信托责任。

5."It's your right to arrange Chen Xiao's pfe, and it's my obpgation to serve you, abercrombie milano, " read her onpne shop.她的网店上写道:“你可以安排陈潇的生活,而我的义务就是为您服务。”

6.This is onpne map of the address "Da Chang Zhen Chen Xiao Zhuang Cun , Jiaonan City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China" .这是地址“中国山东省青岛市胶南市大场镇陈小庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。

7.Chen Xiao's move has triggered controversy among netizens.陈潇的行为引起了网友的热议。

8.Chen Xiao recently stated that from the angle of the Firm Theory, the treatment to managers in China of now is not fair.陈晓曾经表示,从公司治理角度对国美事件的新思考后得出,职业经理人在中国的不公正待遇。

9."It's your right to arrange Chen Xiao's pfe, and it's my obpgation to serve you, " read her onpne shop.在她的在线购物中读到:“你的权利是安排陈晓的生活,我的义务是为你服务。”

10.just 8 per cent of shareholders unconnected to Mr Huang voted to eject Chen Xiao as chairman.与黄光裕没有关联的股东中,仅有8%反对陈晓继续担任董事会主席。