




1.奥拉西 罗伦斯 Lawrence 欧雷瑟 Olathe 哈特福 Hartford ...

3.堪萨斯州奥拉西 ... 奥拉三 Olasan 奥雷瑟 Olathe 奥拉瓦利亚 Olavarria ...

6.雷瑟市美国欧雷瑟市Olathe)举行的「假日之家:宠物试养计划」,在上周有15只狗与5只猫,欢喜找到可以永久居住的家。 欧雷瑟 …

7.堪萨斯州欧雷瑟市GARMIN公司是全球定位系统(GPS)领域的一家领先企业,其总部设在堪萨斯州欧雷瑟市Olathe)。市场对该公司前景的 …

8.堪萨斯州的奥拉西市在一次穿越美国的公路之旅中,他们去了堪萨斯州的奥拉西市(Olathe),并正在洽谈于当地购买地皮,他们希望能在那里开发一 …


1.Olathe decided to celebrate the fact that it was thriving, and what better way than to have a sweet corn festival?奥拉西决定要庆贺它再次兴盛起来的事实,还有什么会比举行甜玉米节更适合呢?

2.The town of Olathe used to grow sugar beets and barley, but by the late 1970s those crops weren't in much demand anymore.奥拉西镇过去种植的是甜菜及大麦,但自1970年代晚期后,这些农作物的需求量开始下降。

3.Then a farmer named Dave Gapnet, who had developed several varieties of sweet corn, decided to move his business to the Olathe area.然后,一位名为盖利奈特(DaveGapnet)的农夫研发了几种不同种类的甜玉米,因而决定将他的生意搬到奥拉西区。

4.The Farb Family (Joe and JoAnn) of Olathe, Kansas, consume a totally plant-based diet as organic as possible.堪萨斯州奥拉西的法博家(乔和乔安),则只食用植物性饮食而且尽可能是有机的。

5.Heart to Heart, based in Olathe, Kan. , has operated in China for more than a decade, speciapzing in medical repef and education.总部位于堪萨斯州的心连心在中国运作十多年了,专门从事医疗救助和教育。

6.In 1999, participants ate 70, 000 ears of "Olathe Sweet" donated by the growers.1999年的玉米节上,与会人士总共吃掉了70,000穗由种植者所提供的奥拉西甜玉米。

7.It can if that town is Olathe, Colorado!如果那个镇是科罗拉多州的奥拉西(Olathe)就可以!