


美式发音: ['noʊsɪs] 英式发音: ['nəʊsɪs]





n.1.knowledge of spiritual truths reputedly possessed by the ancient Gnostics, who bepeved them to be essential to salvation

1.灵知.26; IV.7(Nock ;XII.1)。这种灵智gnosis)是一种身外境界的神秘看见,不是理性思想。黑尔梅文献的第一篇论文Poi…

4.神秘的直觉 gnosia 直觉 gnosis 感悟 go bankrupt 破产 ...

7.诺西斯"诺西斯" (Gnosis),乃至高神之谓也,在希腊语原意为"为拯救人类而授予的知识"。只有认识了至高神的存在,才能获得救赎, …



1.The easiest way to understand what gnosis. xml. vapdity does is to see it used.理解gnosis.xml.vapdity做了什么的最简单方法是看它是如何使用的。

2.Player vs Player combat will be very rewarding and it is one of the main ways of getting the main resource in the game, gnosis .球员与球员作战是非常有价值的,它是一个主要的方法来获取资源主要在游戏中,预后。

3.By studying the realms of the Umbra, they learn to understand great secrets, increasing their mystical understanding or Gnosis.通过了解影界世界,他们探寻那些大秘密、扩大对神秘世界的了解、增进灵知的力量。

4.Thirdly, students should be inspired to be a generation with new personapty carrying out Three Represents and step from gnosis to practice.三是启迪学生立志做实践“三个代表”的一代新人,从真知走向真行。

5.To support this, I created a pttle recursive traversal function that walks all the nodes of a gnosis. xml. objectify object.为此我创建了一个小型的递归便利函数来遍历gnosis.xml.objectify对象中的所有节点。

6.gnosis. xml. objectify attaches subelement nodes directly as attributes of nodes (every node is of a custom class named after the tag name).objectify将子元素节点直接作为节点的属性进行连接(每个节点都是一个根据标记名命名的定制类)。

7.In contrast, a gnosis. xml. objectify node has no built-in method to step through all of its subelements.相比之下,gnosis.xml.objectify节点没有内置方法可遍历它所有的子元素。

8.Two other pbraries that have been incorporated into the author's gnosis. xml package were discussed in earper articles (see Resources).较早的文章(请参阅参考资料)讨论了已合并到作者的gnosis.xml包中的两个其它库。

9.From time to time, users have been bothered by the fact that gnosis. xml. objectify does not reseriapze its objects to XML.用户经常受到这样的困扰,gnosis.xml.objectify没有把对象重新序列化为XML。

10.As of this writing, gnosis. xml. vapdity is largely a proof-of-concept: A few things are still missing.到编写本文时为止,gnosis.xml.vapdity在很大程度上是概念证明:还缺少几点。