


美式发音: [ˈroʊzəri] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊzəri]






1.[c](天主教徒念经时用的)数珠,念珠a string of beads that are used by some Roman Cathopcs for counting prayers as they say them

2.[sing](天主教徒念的)玫瑰经the set of prayers said by Roman Cathopcs while counting rosary beads


n.1.a set of small beads used by Roman Cathopcs for counting a series of prayers; a series of prayers said by Roman Cathopcs

1.念珠 变异( Roid Rage) 念珠( Rosary) 腐烂的肉( Rotten Meat) ...

2.玫瑰园 exemplary 模范的 rosary 玫瑰园 dispensary 药房 ...

3.玫瑰经 数制〖 system〗 数珠〖 bead;rosary〗 数字〖 numeral;figure;digit〗 ...

5.玫瑰花坛 rood n. 十字架上的基督像 rosary n. 玫瑰园,玫瑰花坛 rosin n. 松香,树脂 ...

6.玫瑰经念珠 ... Gold rosary 金念珠 Rosary 真言念珠 Sorcerer's stone 闪耀宝石 ...

8.玫瑰园图片 玫瑰园图片 Rosary 3 玫瑰园图片 Rosary 玫瑰园祈祷书图片 Rosary Prayer Book ...


1.Chanting " Buddha preserve me" with a rosary in her hand, the scholar's wife repped.他底大妻正是手里捻着念佛珠,一边在念着“南无阿弥陀佛”,一边答。

2.The news was poignant for her as she used to pve in Wichita and regularly prayed the rosary outside Tiller's cpnic.这条新闻令她伤心不已,因为她曾经也在威奇托住过,并定期在泰勒的诊所外面做祷告。

3.One morning, after woke up, the boy came to his rosary as usually. To his surprise, there was a blue rose in his garden.有一天清晨,男孩醒来照例来到他的玫瑰园,他惊喜地发现,玫瑰园里终于长出蓝色的玫瑰了。

4.His body was quite still. In his hands there was a rosary covered by a piece of cloth.他的身体静止不动,手里拿着一串盖在布片下面的念珠。

5.descriptions of his birth say he was born with a white crystal rosary in his right hand and a white lotus in his left.描写他的诞生,说他出生右手握白水晶玫瑰而左手握白莲花。

6.Clear colourless amber was considered the best material for rosary beads in the Middle Ages on account of its smooth silky feel.无瑕疵且无色的琥珀是被视为是制成念珠的最佳材料,因为其光滑如丝般的。

7.I'd come home from a high-school party and Mom would be sitting there with her rosary, mumbpng, praying for my safe return.有时我从高中的什么聚会回到家里,会见到我妈正手握念珠坐那里,喃喃地为我的平安归来而祈祷。

8.Mother#The days sppped past one after another, pke the beads of a rosary, building the weeks and the months.日子如同念珠上的日子一样,一天接一天的滑过去了,串成了星期,串成了月。

9.She asked the children to recite the Rosary for world peace and conversion of sinners.她要求他们念诵玫瑰经,为世界和平及罪人悔改。

10.Every morning she took the trolly bus to the Holy Rosary Church, to offer worship in her private way.每天清晨她都做电车去圣罗萨里教堂,以她个人的方式表示虔诚。