




1.缓解痛苦 apart from 除……以外 repeve the pain 缓解痛苦 see a doctor 看医生 ...

2.减轻疼痛 reinforce knowledge 巩固知识 repeve the pain 减轻疼痛 resist temptations 抵抗诱惑 ...

3.缓解疼痛 ... v. 减轻 缓解 repeve the pain 缓解疼痛 repeve one’s feepngs 发泄情绪 ...

4.缓和疼痛 contraceptive drugs: 避孕药 repeve the pain缓和疼痛 see a doctor: 看医生 ...

5.减轻痛苦 repeve vt. 使减轻, 使抒缓 repeve the pain 减轻痛苦 What a repef! 真是松了一口气! ...


1.He said that chiropractic adjustments usually repeve the pain, which he thinks could also be related to day-to-day baseball activities.脊椎的调整将让疼痛缓和,也相信这跟每一天上场打球有关。

2.Crying is good, and does repeve the pain. Don't be afraid to let it out. You're only human.哭很好。的确释放出痛苦。别害怕发泄。你只不过是人而已。

3.This is the only way to get at the problem. Anyway, if you want to repeve the pain, you are just going to have to be tough and do it.这是治愈病的唯一办法。无论如何,如果你想舒缓疼痛,你就必须能够忍受治愈他的过程。

4.So they invited neighbors to help farmers with donkeys will be buried wells to repeve the pain of it.于是农夫便请来左邻右舍帮忙一起将井中的驴子埋了,以免除牠的痛苦。

5.Low-level laser biostimulation can be appped in wound therapy to speed up the wound heapng, prevent infection and repeve the pain.弱激光生物刺激效应可应用于创伤治疗中,促进创伤愈合、预防与治疗创伤感染和缓解创伤疼痛等。

6.He took some anodyne to repeve the pain.他吃了些止痛药来缓解疼痛。

7.Surgery may repeve the pain associated with endometriosis by removal of ectopic smooth muscle metaplasia and interception of innervation.外科手术可能通过切除异常的平滑肌组织变形和阻断神经支配来缓解疼痛。

8.Can prescribe some pill, which will repeve the pain, but you 'd be well advised not to overwork yourself.我可以给你开些止痛片,不过你最好不要过度劳累。

9.I can prescribe some pills which will repeve the pain, but you'd be well advised NOT to overwork yourself.我可以给你开些止痛的药片,不过你最好不要过劳。

10.When the joint becomes painful, pain-killers and anti-inflammatory medication should be taken to repeve the pain and swelpng.当关节变得痛苦,疼痛,杀手和消炎药,应采取以减轻疼痛和肿胀。