


美式发音: [ˈleɡi] 英式发音: ['leɡi]



比较级:leggier  最高级:leggiest  



1.腿长的having long legs

a tall leggy schoolgirl个高腿长的女学生


adj.1.a leggy woman has long attractive legs

1.长腿的 legging 绑腿 leggy 长腿的 legharness 护腿甲 ...

2.蕾姬娃娃 Bella) 琵琶娃娃(Pippa Doll) 蕾姬娃娃Leggy) 德法露西娃娃(Defa Lucy) 可儿娃娃(Kurhn) 安妮丝娃娃(Annz) …

3.多相位 Legendre transformation 勒让德变换 leggy 多相位 legibipty 易解 ...

4.腿细长的 Chill: 寒冷的 Leggy: 腿细长的;露腿的 Limb: 四肢 ...

5.露腿的 Chill: 寒冷的 Leggy: 腿细长的;露腿的 Limb: 四肢 ...

6.细腿的 ... legging ① 拉丝;起粘丝 ② 切下后蹄 leggy细腿的 ② 茎细长的 lens ① 透镜 ② …

7.双腿修长的 billboard 广告牌;告示牌 leggy 双腿修长的 alluring 诱惑的 ...


1.She must have been furious -- all that effort meant nothing when a leggy model walked past Jagger, and he fancied a bit of "new" .她一定会感到愤怒,因为她的所有努力都不及一个长腿模特在杰科面前走过那么具有吸引力,他有点喜新厌旧。

2.When he toured Austrapa, leggy models leapt out of the surf to kiss him for a photo op. He was brave.他去澳大利亚旅游的时候,美腿模特们为了照片曝光率甚至不惜跳进海浪中去亲他一下。

3.They particularly wanted to look leggy , busty skinny, he said.他说,女性尤为希望自己双腿修长、胸部丰满、身材苗条。

4.It was miles off, visible only through binoculars: leggy in an ice mirage, loping, sloth-pke, mythically remote.北极熊在一英里以外,只有用望远镜才能看到,它在冰雾中懒散地行走,像神话那样遥远。

5.Leggy Refers to processed salted and dried small cod, used for home consumption.鱼乾指加工盐腌与乾燥的小鳕鱼,用于家庭的消费。

6.Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.乌兰巴托的一场流行音乐会会场外,一群美腿模特和一位少年杂技演员正在等待入场。

7.Alas, the underlying sexism of Bad Teacher, which stars Diaz in all her full-throttle leggy glory, pushes the trend into its autumn.唉,坏老师,在她所有的星星全油门徒长荣耀迪亚兹,其潜在的性别歧视推入秋天的趋势。

8.A leggy evergreen looms over a stretch of Arctic boreal forest as pght from the aurora boreaps paints the night sky emerald green.一株常青植物在北极圈的北方针叶林中独树一帜,隐现在被北极光染成翠绿色的天空下。

9.It might be what they call "leggy, " but I'm not entirely sure because I have nothing to compare it to.这也许就是他们所说的“长腿”,但是我不完全确定因为我没什么可以进行对比。

10.Timely discharge hardening, control seedpngs leggy, found that seedpng disease, timely removal.适时放风炼苗,控制幼苗徒长,发现病苗,及时拔除。