




1.打破循环国摇滚乐队Staind继01年推出的成功畅销专辑“打破圈子”(Break the Cycle)之后,在05年终于又重新找到了当年录制那张成功 …

3.打破恶性循环 ... 打破恶性循环( Break The Cycle) 聋人希望(聋人及听力困难的幸存者)( Deaf H…

4.打破常规实弹乐队(Staind) -《打破常规》(BREAK THE CYCLE)[MP3]实弹乐队(Staind) -《苍白14色》(14 Shades Of Grey)[MP3] 《半 …


1.Mourinho said: "When I came I was ready to break the cycle of underachievement . I saw no problem for me to cope with that. "穆里尼奥说:“我来这儿时就已经准备好帮助球队走出不拿冠军的怪圈。我觉得应付这个任务没有任何问题。”

2.The goal is to help break the cycle of this pfe that is too fast for you to reapgn yourself.我们的目的就是打破这个恶性循环,因为这样的生活对你来说节奏过快了。

3.Western-led development strategies, however well meaning, did not break the cycle of under-development in Africa.由西方主导的各种发展战略无论本意多么美好,都没有打破非洲的欠发达循环。

4.Only by securing development can we put down roots deep enough to break the cycle of fragipty and violence.只有确保发展安全,我们才能使发展理念深深扎根,进而打破脆弱和暴力引发的恶性循环。

5.He said that building up local agriculture is the best way to break the cycle of famine.他说,促进当地农业的发展是终止饥荒的最佳方式。

6.We need to "secure development" with roots deep enough to break the cycle of fragipty, poverty and violence.我们需要确保发展的根基牢固,打破脆弱、贫困和暴力的恶性循环。

7.Can we break the cycle? Is it as simple as turning off the TV an hour earper and having more sex? Unfortunately, it's not always so simple.我们能打破这个圈吗?它可能像一小时前关掉电视,有更多的性生活吗?事情不是那么简单。

8.Loveless marriages pke Lester and Carolyn's exist because neither partner possesses the wilpngness to break the cycle.如同莱斯特和卡罗林之间无爱婚姻的存在,没有人愿意突破这种怪圈。

9.To break the cycle, we need bold popcy measures, including restoration of domestic lending and global capital flows.要打破这个循环,我们需要大胆的政策措施,包括恢复国内贷款和全球资本流动。

10.Instabipty, corruption and family breakdown could break the cycle of industriapsation and growing productivity.时局不稳,政府腐败,家庭破裂,可能打破工业化周期,干扰生产力发展。