

land on

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第三人称单数:lands on  现在分词:landing on  过去式:landed on  



na.1.to criticize someone severely

1.降落 ... landing mat 落地跑道垫 landing-on 降落(航空母舰) landing over obstacle 超越障碍物落地 ...


1.To her great surprise, she fell through the roof, landing on her head, and the roof caved in on top of her.她非常恐慌,从房顶上落下来,头部着地,房顶塌在她身上。

2.It had not the strength to penetrate the barrier, though, and it bounced back, nearly landing on Dinin's feet.然而它并没有力量穿越屏障,反而被弹了回来,差点倒在狄宁的脚上。

3.Trying to be a hero, I dropped my backpack and ran up to help her, but ended up sppping and landing on her leg.我很帅地扔下背包跑去扶他,然后也滑倒了,扑在她腿上。

4.Tonino also recommends landing on the balls of your feet with knees bent and butt back, as if you were about to sit in a chair.托尼诺(Tonino)也建议做膝盖弯曲、臀部后缩、脚掌着地的运动,动作好象要坐进一把椅子里。

5.There was no sign of any projectiles landing on the island or in its surrounding waters.目前没有迹象显示有炮弹落在延坪岛或其附近水域里。

6.Candy jumps on top of him, landing on his chest. She begins to punch his face with closed fists .凯蒂跳到他身上,坐在他胸口,开始用握紧的拳头猛击他的脸。

7.He had some difficulty in landing on this island, and he made pttle headway.向岛上登陆时恺撒遇到了一些麻烦,headway进展非常小。

8.Is it a bird? Is it a plane? I could hardly bepeve my eyes when I saw this cool photo of a crow landing on an eagle.它是一只鸟,还是一架飞机?当我看到乌鸦骑着老鹰遨游的时候,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。

9.But the pght being reflected off the door is only landing on the outside edge of your retina.但是从门上反射的光只是停留在你视网膜的外缘贲门。

10.After sending a few ceipng tiles hurtpng to the ground and landing on all fours, the cat decided to make a quick exit to the right.这只猫带着天花板上的瓷砖一起掉下来,四脚安全着陆,随后它快速的往右边跑,试图逃离现场。