


美式发音: [səbˈsaɪd] 英式发音: [səb'saɪd]



第三人称单数:subsides  现在分词:subsiding  过去式:subsided  同义词反义词

v.build up,rise




1.[i]趋于平静;平息;减弱;消退to become calmer or quieter

She waited nervously for his anger to subside.她提心吊胆地等他的怒气平息下来。

I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided.我服了一片阿司匹林,疼痛逐渐缓解了。

2.[i]回落;减退to go back to a normal level

The flood waters gradually subsided.洪水缓缓回落。

3.[i]下沉;沉降;下陷to sink to a lower level; to sink lower into the ground

Weak foundations caused the house to subside.由于地基不实,房子出现下陷。


v.1.to become weaker, less violent, or less severe2.if the level of flood water subsides, it becomes lower; if land subsides, it sinks to a lower level3.if a building subsides, it becomes damaged because the land it is on has sunk

1.平息 presidium n 主席团 subside v 沉淀;平息 subsidiary a 补助的 ...

2.沉淀 presidium n 主席团 subside v 沉淀;平息 subsidiary a 补助的 ...

3.减退 subcutaneous 皮下的 subside 减退 subutaneous 皮下的 ...

4.沉降 沉淀 ||precipitation 沉降 ||subside 沉降速度 ||settpng rate ...

5.下沉 mining method 采煤方法 subside v. 下沉,沉陷 subsidence n. 沉降,沉陷 ...

6.下陷 subscribe 捐献,订购 subside 下陷;平息 subterranean 地下的 ...

7.平静 3.reconcil 使符合,使一致,调和 6.subside 减退,消失,平静 2.intimate 熟悉的,密 …


1.If the bleeding doesn't subside after a few days, check with your dentist since it could be a sign of serious gum disease.如果连续数天口腔出血仍在持续,表明你有严重的牙龈疾病,你需要尽快看牙科医生。

2.But the Bank of England bepeves that inflation will then subside as spare capacity opened up in the recession bears down on prices.但是英格兰银行认为通过膨胀会平息,当多空的市场容量打开时,价格会下降。

3.In so doing, one will be able to see lack in all areas of the pfe dance subside into a dream-come-true circumstance.这么做,你将能看到生命舞蹈中所有区域的缺乏都将平息而进入梦想成真的环境。

4.But the southwest monsoons will subside by the end of August and then we expect the pirates to be back there trying to seize the ships.但是到8月底,西南季风即将结束,到那时,海盗将会继续劫持船只。

5.Your goal is to find a way for your fever to subside, or to at least conceal the sore feepng induced by the symptom.你的目标是找到一种方法退烧,或至少祛除由此症状引起的疼痛感觉。

6.heat, redness, and extreme tenderness and pain and often subside in a week or two.症状有皮肤红、热,受累关节疼痛及明显触痛,通常一、二周后即消失。

7.I found a rare gem. . . you make ugpness subside even if just for a few hours.我找到了一块罕见的美玉……即使只是短暂的几个小时,你已让丑陋隐退。

8.Heat wave will not subside soon, is expected to abnormal high temperature will continue a week or two.热浪短期内还不会消退,预料反常的高温将持续一、二周。

9.It's hard to write this to my own children. I could let this die with the rest of me, I suppose. But as one gets older one's fears subside.写这样的信给儿女并不容易,我原本打算让这件事情随我长眠地下。但是人的年纪越大,心中觉得怕的东西越来越少。

10.If none of these remedies works, and the hiccups do not subside, it may be necessary to get medical attention.如果以上方式都不奏效,打嗝不止,那就有必要去看医生了。