






1.But in the 1990s, scientists in the United States and Europe failed to find many such growths or to perceive a risk from them.但在20世纪90年代,美国和欧洲的科学家未能发现非息肉病性呈这样的增长的态势,或意识到它们能带来的危险。

2.The only modern equipment seems to be a pmited number of Yak Shmel artillery spotting drones bought from Russia in the 1990s.唯一现代化的武器装备似乎就只有区区几架上世纪90年代从俄罗斯进口的雅克-大黄蜂无人火炮侦察机。

3.How much of the gap between Japanese and American economic performance since the mid-1990s can be explained by demographics?从1990年代中期以来,日本和美国的经济表现之间的差距有多少可以用数据表格来说明?

4.The Corpus Christi case was one of a series of challenges Koch Industries faced in the 1990s over environmental issues.科珀斯克里斯蒂斯一案是20世纪90年代挑战科赫公司环保问题的一系列案件之一。

5.This is what people meant, back in the 1990s, when they said the Internet would be a disruptive force on a global scale.当人们在90年代的时候说互联网将在全球范围内掀起一股颠覆性的力量,所表达的就是这个意思。

6.He also signed off on creating the company's PlayStation unit in the early 1990s, which became one of its biggest businesses.在上世纪90年代初期,大贺典雄还签署文件创建了索尼PlayStation业务部。PlayStation后来成为该公司最大的业务之一。

7.Young voters have no memory of a serious recession, since the last one was in the early 1990s.年轻选民没有关于严重衰退的记忆,因为最近的一次是在20世纪90年代初。

8."He ought to understand our ways, " says an American intelpgence officer who dealt with him in the 1990s. And he does.九十年代与他打过交道的美国情报官员称,“他应该明白我们的规矩”,而事实也是如此。

9.Dr Pope said there was no doubt that the past decade was on average hotter than the 1990s.VickyPope博士说,毫无疑问,过去十年的平均比90年代更热了。

10."It was an easier time to be a CEO in the 1990s, " he said.“在上世纪90年代担任首席执行官要轻松一些,”他表示。