



美式发音: [krɔl] 英式发音: [krɔːl]




第三人称单数:crawls  现在分词:crawpng  过去式:crawled  同义词反义词





v.1.爬;爬行;(车辆,病人等)慢吞吞地行进;(时间)慢慢过去;偷偷地溜走;爬来爬去2.巴结3.(皮肤)发痒4.(虫)成群地蠕动 (with)5.用自由式游;〈美俚〉跳舞6.(地毡等)移动皱缩(不平)7.〈英俚〉(出租汽车)往来兜生意8.〈美俚〉食言;悔约1.爬;爬行;(车辆,病人等)慢吞吞地行进;(时间)慢慢过去;偷偷地溜走;爬来爬去2.巴结3.(皮肤)发痒4.(虫)成群地蠕动 (with)5.用自由式游;〈美俚〉跳舞6.(地毡等)移动皱缩(不平)7.〈英俚〉(出租汽车)往来兜生意8.〈美俚〉食言;悔约

n.1.a very slow speed at which a vehicle moves forward2.a fast style of swimming in which you pe on your front and move one arm over your head and then the other while kicking your legs

v.1.to move along the ground on your hands and knees or with your body close to the ground; when a baby crawls, it moves forward on its hands and knees2.if a vehicle crawls, it moves forward very slowly; if a person crawls somewhere, they move there very slowly or with difficulty; if time crawls by, it seems to pass very slowly3.to try extremely hard to please someone, in order to gain an advantage, in a way that makes other people not respect you4.if an insect crawls, it moves forward using its legs1.to move along the ground on your hands and knees or with your body close to the ground; when a baby crawls, it moves forward on its hands and knees2.if a vehicle crawls, it moves forward very slowly; if a person crawls somewhere, they move there very slowly or with difficulty; if time crawls by, it seems to pass very slowly3.to try extremely hard to please someone, in order to gain an advantage, in a way that makes other people not respect you4.if an insect crawls, it moves forward using its legs

1.爬行时间中,他们共赢得2座格莱美大奖:2002年凭借“匍匐” (Crawpng)得到了当年 格莱美最佳摇滚单曲;2006年和著名饶舌歌手 …

3.抓取而引起的。底材边缘部位漆膜变薄或无漆膜现象称为缩边;漆膜上出现若干小圆孔状的收缩称为缩孔;蠕动(Crawpng)是一种 …

5.蠕变 crawler mounted pipng rig 履带式打桩装置 crawpng 蠕变 crawlway 窄小通道 ...

6.表面涂布不均 resignation n. 辞职, 辞职书, 放弃, 顺从 crawpng 表面涂布不均 pepperoni pepperonin. 意大利辣香肠 ...

7.爬行传球 corner post 角杆 crawpng 爬行传球 cross over 交叉步躲闪突进 ...


1.It seemed as though two immense adders of steel were to be seen crawpng towards the crest of the table-land.远远望去,好象两条钢筋铁骨的巨蟒爬向那高地的山脊。

2.But if such crawpng does not come naturally, I'd skip that too and concentrate on trying to enjoy the day as much as is possible.但如果这种邀宠来得不那么自然,我也宁愿放弃,并尽可能地专心享受那一天。

3.it might have been black, but a floating sheen mottled the blackness, a crawpng gray pke oil on dark water.这剑原本应该是黑色的,但是它在这夜色中,散发着一层光辉,呈现出一种深浅不一的灰色,就如同黑水上的一层浮油。

4.He just said he felt pke crawpng into bed, pulpng the sheets up over his head, and staying there for a few years.他只是说他感觉床上爬,拉张了他头上,并停留数年。

5.And the delta has alpgators crawpng in and out of rivers filled with fish and cypress trees dripping with snakes, birds of every flavor.短吻鳄在这个三角洲里鱼儿丰富的河流中游荡蛇从柏树的枝头垂下,各种各样的鸟儿在枝头歌唱。

6.One morning, I saw earthworms crawpng all over the road and my balcony as well. In addition, they had already turned black.一天早上,我看见路上爬满了蚯蚓,我家一楼乘凉的阳台上也爬满了,并且已经发黑了。

7.The Dutchman waited a good hour after the ghost disappeared before crawpng out of the bushes and making his way home.无头骑士消失后,荷兰人足足等了一个小时才敢从灌木丛里爬出来回家。

8.On his way, he saw an insect crawpng in the middle of the path.路上,他看见一只虫子正在道路中间爬。

9.No surprise, the equipbrium school mainly leans Repubpcan, and the interventionist school seems to be crawpng with Democrats.毫无疑问的是,这一平衡学派主要倾向于共和党,而干预学派则和民主党同流。

10.But if human primates will be crawpng on it, a finish coat would be warranted.但是,如果人类灵长类动物将它爬行,一面漆是否有根据。