




1.女式西服 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 ...

2.西装式套装 宽松短裤 baggys 西装式套装 tailored suit 正统男西装 classic suit ...

3.缝制西服 ... tailored spp 裙裥饰边的衬裙 tailored suit 西式套装,精做西装 tailor'S loop 挂衣袢 ...


1.One day, he was enjoying one of Heaven's many fine parks, when he came across a man dressed in a fine tailored suit.一天他正在天堂里兴致勃勃地逛公园,这时碰到了以为着装考究的绅士。

2.Please make sure that all items of the suit and shirt are ironed this needs to appear as a fine tailored suit.请确定诉讼和衬衫的所有项目被烫这需要出现如一件好的女式西服。

3.Could this girl, with her smartly tailored suit, her assured manner, her laughing demeanor with other men, be a refugee?这个姑娘穿着漂漂亮亮的时髦衣服,态度充满自信,同别的男人在一起谈笑自若,难道会是一个难民吗?

4.In a style that's often seen on his famous footballer dad, the rising star wore a tailored suit and tie, complete with shiny black shoes.这颗升起的新星身穿西装裤,配上领带和锃亮的黑皮鞋,身上洋溢着老爸贝克汉姆的味道。

5.But back home in San Francisco, Chicago, or New York, the same executive will be immaculately dressed in a well-tailored suit.但是回到旧金山、芝加哥或纽约,同一位商业主管将会穿上光洁而笔挺的西服。

6.She wore a black tailored suit with a white blouse.她穿着一身配有白色罩衫的考究的黑色衣服。

7.He got a well-tailored suit as his birthday present.他的生日礼物是一件做工考究的西装。

8.He wears a beautifully tailored suit.他穿了一套定做的漂亮西装。

9.An Experimental Study on Pattern Design of Men's Tailored-suit Sleeve男西装袖子纸样设计的实验研究分析

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