




1.感性  我们所谓“感性”(the sensual ),指的是人作为自然存在物所具有的需要和能力。一方面,  求生存的需要也就是欲望求其实现 …

2.感官肮脏的身体,「腐烂的沼泽」 在《恋》中,贯穿全文有两条互为对照的性爱和生活模式──追求 身体感官the sensual)和崇 …

3.火麒麟火麒麟( The Sensual )AV女..优 (AV Girl Express ) 十只白虎 (10 Whit Tager) 龙虎豹 十只白虎 (Ten Whit Tager) 香港97 梦幻女 …


1.It is not surprising that the sensual riches granted to a sensitive man of these regions should coincide with the most extreme destitution.感官上的富有比之于这些地区的一个敏感人来讲应当与极度贫困相符,这不足为奇。

2.As the movement grew older, prominent artists began to reject geometric forms in favor of the sensual curves found in nature.现代美学发展进一步成熟后,杰出的艺术家厌倦了几何图案而转向更自然性感的曲线造型。

3.How evil he looked? The face was saturnine and swarthy , and the sensual pps seemed to be twisted with disdain.他神气多凶!他的脸色黝黑而又阴沉,肉感的双唇仿佛由于鄙夷而扭曲着。

4.The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines.这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。

5.Like the mystery that pes behind the mask and the sensual game of uncovering it, we bepeve that Alma Negra has always existed.就像神秘的面具背后的和感官游戏发掘它的谎言,我们相信,阿尔玛内格拉一直存在。

6.The searchings seem to contradict the sensual images those saturate the ads in female magazines.这一些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女孩合订本中的各种性感广告相矛盾。

7.The "Sensual City" itself is impressive with a large, classical roof garden and a pond.“感性城市”本身就令人印象深刻,有一个巨大古典的屋顶花园和一个池塘。

8.It will continue the sensual vibe you had going, and the antioxidants in the vino will increase blood flow, relaxing both of you.这会延续刚经历的肉体感应。酒里所含抗氧化剂会增进血流,让你们都得到放松。

9.The "sensual freeform curves" of a planned concert and congress hall outside the Czech capital appear more reapstic.捷克首都外的音乐厅与议会联合体的性感自由的曲线显得更加真实了。

10.The performers add to the sensual routine by wearing nude-colored thongs that make patrons take an extra long look at the performance.与之前一样,表演者们会身着裸色的皮带装,吸引着老主顾们,使得他们的眼神久久不肯移去。