

Yours sincerely

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.谨启;“Sincerely yours”的变体



na.1.谨启2.“Sincerely yours”的变体

na.1.The variant of Sincerely yours

1.谨启 proper: 正确的 Yours sincerely: 谨启(用于英文信件署名前) unsettled: 动乱不定 ...

2.你真诚的 Best regards! 祝好!(一般是信结尾时用) Yours sincerely 你真诚的(也是用于信尾) Cepna 西莉娜(人名) ...

3.您忠诚的 Yours faithfully 您忠诚的 Yours Sincerely 您忠诚的 Best Wishes 谨致问候 ...

4.此致 A pleasant journey to you! 旅途愉快您! Yours sincerely, 此致, Lily 百合 ...

5.你的真诚的 Dear Wang, 亲爱的王, Yours sincerely 你的真诚的 Li Ming 李明 ...

6.你最真诚的 GLOSSARY 词汇 Yours sincerely 你最真诚的, Yours sincerely 你最真诚的, ...

7.您真诚的 Dear Sir 亲爱的先生 Yours sincerely 您真诚的 Sai Bei Hotel 塞北宾馆 ...


1.He signed his name with "Yours sincerely" at the bottom of the letter.他在信的底端写下了“你的诚挚的”并签了名字。

2.In the UK, traditional valedictions have been mainly replaced by "Yours sincerely" or "Yours faithfully" .在英国,传统告别被“敬上”主要替换了或“敬上”。

3.Yet in the 2009 group there was only one "rgds" , and instead "Yours Sincerely" , even "Yours Faithfully" have made walloping comebacks.但在2009年这批邮件中,仅有一封用了“rgds”,而“您最真诚的”,甚至是“您最忠诚的”已全面回归。

4.It's so kind of you if you consent to our requirement and understand our situation. Yours sincerely.贵方若能同意我方要求并理解我方所处境况,当不胜感激。

5.Hmmmm, maybe, but I'd play it safe and just finish with "Yours Sincerely" . That's more professional.嗯,也许吧。但是保险起见吧,用“你的真诚的”,会显得更专业些。

6.Remember when you start with a specific name, e. g. "Dear Mr. Jones" , you should end with "Yours sincerely" .记住当你以特定称呼开头时,例如“DearMr.Jones”,必须以“Yourssincerely”结尾。

7.When a father signs off a letter to his daughter, "Yours Sincerely, " things have come to a pretty pass.当一位父亲在写给女儿的信中以“您真诚的”(YoursSincerely)落款时,事情就已经变得一团糟了。

8.The message was signed off "Yours sincerely" , followed by the man's full name.该信以“您最真诚的”结束,后面跟着这位主管的全名。

9.Yours sincerely, Shi Jiazhuang New Times Hotel石家庄新时代大饭店谨启