


美式发音: [ɪˈniəs] 英式发音: [iˈni:əs]





n.1.in Greek and Roman mythology, a Trojan hero who escaped after the fall of Troy and spent seven years travepng before settpng near the site of Rome in Italy.

1.埃涅阿斯 衣帽间 衣帽间/ cloakroom/ 伊尼亚斯 伊尼亚斯/ Aeneas/ 伊尼伊德 伊尼伊德/ Aeneid/ ...

4.以尼雅 Adonizedek 亚多尼洗德 Aeneas 以尼雅 Agabus 亚迦布 ...

5.埃尼亚斯狄多同时拥有美貌和智慧,但埃尼亚斯Aeneas)王子的出现注定了她悲剧的一生。埃尼亚斯,是维纳斯的私生子,也是特洛 …


1.When Hector recovered he led such a charge, with Paris on one side of him, Aeneas on the other, that the Greeks fled in good earnest.待赫克托伤愈后,他带头出击,身旁有帕里斯与埃涅阿斯左右相辅,来势之猛,使希腊人望风披靡。

2.And there he found a certain man named Aeneas, which had kept his bed eight years, and was sick of the palsy.遇见一个人,名叫以尼雅,得了瘫痪,在褥子上躺卧八年。

3.33 There he found a man named Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years.33遇见一个人,名叫以尼雅,得了瘫痪,在褥子上躺卧八年。

4.Dido & Aeneas - The Queen of Carthage kills herself in despair when her lover abandons her to found Rome.狄多与埃涅阿斯---迦太基王后发现爱人抛弃自己去寻找罗马后绝望地自杀了。

5.And he found there a certain man named Aeneas, who for eight years had been lying on a mat, for he was paralyzed.遇见一个人,名叫以尼雅,得了瘫痪,在褥子上躺卧了八年。

6.With her dying breath, Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants.在她的奄奄一息,女王狄多宣告对埃涅阿斯的后代诅咒和他的所有。

7.The fat boy's name was AEneas , his father's name was Patroclus, and his mother's Daphne.小胖仔名叫爱涅阿斯,他的爸爸叫普特洛克勒斯,他的妈妈叫达芙妮。

8.Patroclus and AEneas looked up and saw the Pumpkin Giant coming with his mouth wide open.普特洛克勒斯和爱涅阿斯抬头一看,只见南瓜巨人张着大嘴过来了。

9.Aeneas, a Trojan prince, managed to escape the destruction of Troy, and Virgil's Aeneid tells of his fpght from Troy.埃涅阿斯,木马王子,设法逃脱了特洛伊破坏,维吉尔的埃涅阿斯纪告诉他从特洛伊飞行。

10.One morning Patroclus and AEneas were out in the field digging potatoes, for new potatoes were just in the market.一天早晨,普特洛克勒斯和爱涅阿斯一起去地里刨土豆,这时候正好该新土豆上市了。