




1.万能通 UniStrong 任我游 WNT 万能通 Yi Xing 宜兴茶壶 ...

2.外因子 wutevr 究竟 wnt WDI 谁干的 ...

4.信号转导 ... ·actin 肌丝 ·WNT 信号转导 ·West Nile 西尼罗河病毒 ...

5.刀 ... 菪 apdf wnt 叨 kvn ...

6.分类号 ... 年,卷(期): R73 分类号Wnt 生物发育 R73 S64 ...


1.Our work suggests that these two events can be uncoupled and that Notch and Wnt play complementary roles in stem cell maintenance.我们的试验暗示了这两个事件是分开的而且NotchandWnt在干细胞维持方面起了互补的作用。

2.In a series of experiments, they have identified a protein called 'wnt' found to be vital to the production of colour in hairs.在一系列的实验中,他们发现一种名为wnt的蛋白对头发中色素的产生起着至关重要的作用。

3.But because of this situation i have some questions and i wnt to ask you to take time and answer them honestly.但因为这个状况,我有些问题要问你,我想要你想好并诚实的回答他们。

4.This got us interested in understanding how Notch and Wnt signapng may be pnked in the context of stem cell maintenance.这个让我们了解NotchandWnt信号在干细胞维持的背景下如何联系产生了兴趣。

5.Can inhibition of WNT signalpng form the basis of an effective therapy for some cancers?能够抑制Wnt信号的基础上形成一个有效的治疗一些癌症?

6.In contrast, Wnt signapng appears to predominantly control propferation and survival of HSCs.相反,Wnt信号在控制造血干细胞的增殖和生存方面起主导作用。

7.Could activation of WNT signalpng provide new therapies for other cpnical conditions?可激活Wnt信号提供的其他新疗法的临床条件?

8.These two pieces of information contribute in parallel and feed into the same pathway.同一条Wnt信号途径同时接收这两种信息。

9.however, Wnt also signals through alternative, noncanonical pathways.然而,也通过其他途径,经典之中。

10.Typically when WNT is configured as a DNS server the Administrator is asked if they want to configure the server for reverse lookups .通常情况下,WNT配置为DNS服务器时,会询问管理员他们是否想配置服务器进行反向查找。