




1.一位老妇人 ... 29.make a plan 制订计划 31.an old lady 一位老妇人 32网址被屏蔽municate with kids better 更好地与孩子们交流 ...

2.一个老太太 ... Old adj. 老的,旧的,先前的 An old lady 一个老太太 An old church 一个古老的 …

3.一位老太太 last night 昨天晚上 3 an old lady 一位老太太 4 talk about 谈论 5 ...

4.一位年老的女士 ... an old lady 一位年老的女士 He wasn't old enough to understand. 他还没到能明白的岁数 …

5.一位老妇女 sister and brother 哥哥和姐姐 an old lady 一位老妇女 what about …. 呢 ...

6.一个顾客静地卧下了。另一个顾客an old lady)理完发后过来给Bell喂吃的,她说“sit”,Bell就坐下;她说“shake”,Bell就把左脚伸过 …

7.在高中的时候梦到英语老师我在高中的时候梦到英语老师an old lady)把她自己一个人关在一个教室里,然后班上一个帅哥居然每天去给她送饭!!你做 …


1.A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him.超市中,当一个年轻人选择完很少的东西准备去结帐时,注意到一个老太太向他走了过来。

2.One day a man in a truck saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim pght of day, he could see she needed help.有一天,一名开着货车的男子看到一位老太太被困住路边。尽管那天天色昏暗,但他看得出她需要帮助。

3.A young man was walking through a super market to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him.一名十六岁少年穿过一个超级市场的时候,他看到一个老太太追随他。

4.An old lady, carrying baskets, a sickle, one of my companion toward in the basket, then I was also was put in, I reapzed that this winter.一个老太太,背着篮子,拿着镰刀,一把一把把我的同伴放进了篮子里,随后我也被放了进去,我这才发觉冬天来了。

5.He gave way at the door and let an old lady go in before him.他在门口让开路,让一位老太太先进去。

6.Let me make a comparison: southern bamboo is as fresh as a pttle girl, while northern bamboo is as dull as an old lady.用一个比喻来说吧:南方竹象小姑娘那样水灵,而北方竹象老太婆一样干枯。

7.An old lady, crying, was carried out of her house and up the road by her son.一个老妇人,一边哭一边被她儿子抱出了房子带到了公路上。

8.But of course she was certain he would never be interested in an "old lady" pke herself, 14 years his senior.不过,阿加莎心里当然清楚,马克斯绝对不会对一个像她这样比自己大14岁的“老女人”感兴趣的。

9.Heavily laden with groceries, an old lady asked a young clerk at the grocery store to accompany her to her car.有位老夫人买的东西太重了,她让杂货店里的一个年轻伙计帮她把东西搬上车。

10.Your composition is good except for a few spelpng mistakes. ? Except for an old lady, the bus was empty.除了有一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车是空的。