

doubtless:[英 [ˈdaʊtləs] 美 [ˈdaʊtlɪs] ]


doubtless 基本解释

副词无疑地; 确定地; 多半

形容词无疑的; 确定的

doubtless 相关例句


1. It was doubtless his own fault.


2. Doubtless he was the strongest.


3. He will doubtless arrive by the next train.


doubtless 网络解释

1. doubtless的翻译

1. 无疑的:doubting 怀疑 | doubtless 无疑的 | douce 沉着的

2. doubtless的近义词

2. 无疑的,很可能的:doubtful 怀疑的,可疑的 | doubtless 无疑的,很可能的 | down 下,向下,顺...而下

3. 无疑地:doubtful 可疑的 | doubtless 无疑地 | dough 生□□

4. 很可能:defenseless 无防御的 | doubtless 很可能 | downless 无软毛的

doubtless 双语例句

1. Rudolph Bosshardt would be mortified. He was held captive for 560 days and doubtless would have liked nothing better than a good meal.


2. doubtless的反义词

2. Doubtless we will be told in turn that this is no time for recriminations.



3. For thousands of years, the function and importance of the roof for the whole building is without doubt……if the construction of the roof is supposed to be bone, then doubtless, tiles must be the skin.


4. doubtless是什么意思

4. Mercédès uttered a cry which made the tears start from Monte Cristo's eyes; but these tears disappeared almost instantaneously, for, doubtless, God had sent some angel to collect them--far more precious were they in his eyes than the richest pearls of Guzerat and Ophir.


5. The chants will resurface on Saturday of course. Everton`s 1750 supporters will be ringed by a line of stewards and police in the Anfield Road End, and there will doubtless be skirmishes in and around Anfield, and long into the night in the city centre. A 12.45pm kick-off time may prevent too much drinking before the game, but it allows for plenty afterwards, when emotions are likely to be running even higher.


6. ZHOUSHAN maritime space of archipelago scattering and gullet intervein lies in median latitude, which has complex terrain geographic and atmosphere-sea electrophoresis and has frequency gale doubtless weather.



7. Trunnion bascule bridges are doubtless one of the renowned bridge types in Chicago.


8. doubtless

8. The prominence of Buddhism in Sansho Dayu is doubtless attributable to a change in Mizoguchi's own worldview: he had recently embraced the Nichiren sect of the religion.


9. doubtless的反义词

9. Aiming at the reality of our country stock market, how, from the theories and the practices, we give a reply that instructs us, has important realistic meaning doubtless.


10. Doubtless there was a large sweep of park and a broad glassy pool in front of that mansion.


11. Because kitchen`s speed for scooping soup was very fast, if small-bore bowls were used, soup in bottom of scoops would drop down into barrels, so this was a doubtless loss; if opened-bore bowls were used, soup in bottom of scoop certainly would belong to you.


12. The knight's culture is a special kind of culture phenomenon of Middle Ages, under the ultra conservative and proper thought mode of Middle Ages, the knight's love doubtless become whole basinet literature or say a magnificent blossom of the culture realm.


13. The return of share repurchases on a grand scale (doubtless at a time when they are far more expensive than today) will be a sign that defrosting is giving way to overheating.


14. As you use the refactorings bear in mind that they are a starting point. You will doubtless find gaps in them. I'm publishing them now because although they are not perfect, I do believe they are useful. I believe they will give you a starting point that will improve your ability to refactor efficiently. That is what they do for me.


15. Doubtless there exist undeniable differences, but is an author obliged to confine himself within the same circle of ideas?



16. Mr Akula would say that, especially as his for-profit firm, backed by venturecapital from Silicon Valley, is expected to gopublic soon in a doubtless lucrative IPO.

Akula 先生非得这么说不可,尤其是在他的盈利性企业SKS 即将以利润丰厚的 IPO 上市之际。该企业由硅谷的风险资本提供支持。

17. Combined with the situation of our country, the rapid development of the steel dwelling house in our country is a doubtless thing.


18. doubtless的解释

18. Today's readers will of course notice right away that Taiwan does not get as much coverage in my book as it doubtless deserves.


19. He will doubtless arrive by the next train.


20. China is doubtless delighted that its efforts to broker peace on the Korean peninsula appear at last to be making some headway.


doubtless 词典解释

1. 很可能地;几乎肯定地

If you say that something is doubtless the case, you mean that you think it is probably or almost certainly the case.

e.g. He will doubtless try and persuade his colleagues to change their minds...


e.g. Doubtless he was justified in some of his criticism of the media...


doubtless 单语例句

1. These countries have a long time to lay down a solid social and economic foundation to cushion the social shocks that will doubtless emerge.

2. Doubtless, this is a figure less than the estimate of most people.

3. And doubtless some who he felt might threaten those interests may have felt the pain of the occasional editorial whack.

4. Some of them will doubtless try to oppose tightening measures by overstating the danger of a property market collapse.

5. Further research will doubtless provide more detailed and reliable information about the kinds of policies that add to people's happiness.

6. The millions of other travelers who have already passed through Beijing South's doors doubtless feel the same way.

7. The fact that she has doubtless made a handsome profit is not lost on anyone.

8. Doubtless, they should be models for private businesses to follow in sticking to the rules.

9. Doubtless, the treaty facilitates unity and mutual trust among SCO member states.

10. They are fully on board, and doubtless will have more to say themselves.

doubtless 英英释义


1. without doubt


e.g. it's undoubtedly very beautiful

Synonym: undoubtedlydoubtlessly