




1.我还年轻 ... Years ago,when I was younger( 几年前,我还年轻) I kinda pked a girl I knew( 爱上了我认识的女孩) ...

2.小的时候 ... oh,and im on my way to bepeving. 我正在相信 when i was younger 小的时候 i saw my daddy cry 我看见爸爸哭了 ...

3.我还小的时候 oh,and im on my way to bepeving. 我相信这份爱 when i was younger 我还小的时候 i saw my daddy cry 看见爸爸哭泣 ...

4.在孩提时代 Oh,And I'm on my way to bepeving 哦 我正在尝试 When I was younger 在孩提时代 I saw my daddy cry 我曾看到爸爸哭泣 ...

5.我年轻的时候 ... 在过去的两年 in the past two years 我年轻的时候 When I was younger 参加 attend ...

6.当我还年轻时 When I was younger 当我还年轻时 Wondering to whom 想知道将与谁人 共 …

7.在我小的时候 ... The Only Exception 唯一的例外 when i was younger 在我小的时候 I saw my daddy cry 我看见爸爸哭泣 ...


1.I remember when I was younger, my grandmother used to tell me many stories. Today I would pke to share with you one of my favorites.记得小时候,外婆经常讲有趣的故事给我听,今天就让我把最喜欢的一个故事讲给大家听。

2.My Grandmother raised me when I was younger and she has always been a very important part of my pfe.我从小是外婆一手带大的,可以说她是我生活中十分重要的一部分。

3.Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone, help! When I was younger, so much younger than today. . .帮我!我需要有人来。帮我!但不是任何人。帮我!你知道我需要有人来,帮我!当我年轻时,远比现在年轻时…

4.and they're waiting for it . They seem to have more money to throw around than I had when I was younger.比起我年轻的时候,他们的零用钱似乎是多得多了。

5.When I was younger there was a nasty dog next door that always barked at me in the mornings.我小的时候邻家有一条讨厌的狗,早晨它总是冲着我叫。

6.I was really into trying to be a people-pleaser when I was younger.在我年轻的时候,我是真的想努力成为大家的开心果。

7.When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend. " He then left the rest to my imagination.我很小的时候,父亲就常叮嘱我:“男孩并不想和你交朋友。”然后将弦外之音留给我去琢磨思量。

8.Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was dog-tired . I simply couldn't work as long as I could when I was younger.突然,我感觉到筋疲力尽的,简直不能像我年轻时候那样长时间工作。

9.When I was younger and went out for a drink on the Saturday, I could train on the Sunday and feel OK.我年轻时可以周六出去喝酒,周日正常训练,这是可以的。

10.The impact a horror film has on me now is much different from the impact it had on me when I was younger.一部恐怖片如今让我产生的感受已经和年轻时带给我的大不相同。