

I hope/swear/wish etc. to God

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing what you are saying

1.我对天发誓 ... I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。 I swear to God. 我对天发誓。 Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。 ...

2.我向上帝发誓 I swear to God 我向上帝发誓 I told you hundred times 我告诉你一佰遍了(很多的意思) ...

3.我对上帝起誓 ... I swear to God,... 我对上帝起誓… The captain swore at the crew. 机长把机组人员骂了一通. ...

4.我跟上帝发誓 ... 2 wakey-wakey~~....【 起来啦起来啦~~】 1 I swear to god.【 我跟上帝发誓】 2 I'll walk you home.【 我陪你走回 …

5.我敢对天发誓 I swear to God. 我敢对天发誓 That's right,bitch. 没错,王八蛋 ...


1.I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God!我会砍失落他的手指,割开他的喉咙,在他胸口刻字,挖出他的眼睛,我对上帝起誓会这么做!

2.Your king, such as he is. . . I leave to you, and what God will make of him. No one will be harmed. I swear to God.你的国王,就在那边。我把他交给你,上帝会惩罚他的。其余没人会受到伤害,我对天发誓。

3.No, I swear to God. Just a FRF 100 fine and a warning. I'm behind the wheel again.没有,我向上帝发誓。只是100法郎的罚款和一个警告。我又能开车了。

4.And I swear to God, I walked out of his office, "I will drive. I will drive. You're mad. I'll drive. I know I can drive. "我向上帝发誓,我走出医生的办公室,“我要开车。我要开车。你疯了。我要开车,我知道我能。”

5.I swear to God, if you weren't one of the better chefs in this city, I'd fire you.如果你不是纽约比较好的厨师之一,我就马上开除你。

6."I swear to God, I'm going to kill that asshole, " Bailey declared while Hailey bobbed her head in agreement.“我向上帝发誓,我要杀死那个混蛋,”贝利宣布,而海利剪短她的同意。

7.and i swear to god by christmastime, there'll be someone else to hold you.我在圣诞节像上帝祈祷,将会有另一个人握紧你

8.I swear to god, sheldon, one day, I'm going to get the hang of talking to you. His mom's been saying that for years.我向上帝发誓,谢尔顿,总有一天,我会跟上你的说话思维。这话他妈妈说了好多年了。

9.i Swear To God, You Teachers Come In And Out Of The School.我对上帝发誓你们这些老师肯定是来了又走

10.And I'm telpng you . . . (Laughter) It's a beautiful thing. I swear to God.我就这么看着它,告诉你们,它真美。