



1.And business can be a moderate change, "four-pronged approach" to strengthen management.并且可以适度调整经营业务,“四管齐下”,加强管理。

2.His father, Onyango, who later changed his name to Hussein, regularly beat his wives and children with a four-pronged whip.他的父亲(即奥巴马总统的祖父)——原名叫奥尼安戈,后来改成了侯赛因——经常用长长的皮鞭抽打他的妻子和孩子。

3.People run away when they see you, they scream in your ears, faint, or come after you with a four-pronged hay fork.人们见到你,撒腿就跑,吓得在你耳朵边尖叫,晕倒在地或者是拿着大耙子满世界追着你跑。

4.Dr Bradley has launched a four-pronged attack on the myostatin in his trout.布莱德利博士已经兵分四路,向他的鳟鱼的肌肉生长抑制素发起了进攻。

5.a plant of the genus Trapa bearing spiny four-pronged edible nutpke fruits.菱属的一种植物,长带四个尖儿的坚果状、可食用的果实。

6.A four-pronged approach is adopted by the Government to tackle environmental noise in Hong Kong.政府采取四项措施来处理香港的噪音问题。

7.My recommended strategy to pass the exams is a four-pronged effort covering these essentials我推荐使用以下策略通过考试,它分为四个步骤

8.Four-Pronged Approach to Tackle Noise Problem四项措施处理噪音问题

9.Turkey's four-pronged approach土耳其的四管齐下的方法