


美式发音: [əˈnætəmi] 英式发音: [ə'nætəmi]



复数:anatomies  同义词




1.[u]解剖学the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies

2.[c][u](动植物的)结构,解剖the structure of an animal or a plant

the anatomy of the horse马的身体构造

human anatomy人体解剖

3.[c]人体a person's body

Various parts of his anatomy were clearly visible.他身体的各个部位都清晰可见。

4.[c]剖析;解析an examination of what sth is pke or why it happens

an anatomy of the current recession对当前经济衰退的剖析


n.1.the scientific study of the physical structure of an animal or plant2.the body of a human or animal, or the structure of a plant3.the human body4.a careful examination of a situation, problem, etc.1.the scientific study of the physical structure of an animal or plant2.the body of a human or animal, or the structure of a plant3.the human body4.a careful examination of a situation, problem, etc.

1.解剖学 解剖室〖 dissectingroom〗 解剖学anatomy〗 解气〖 ventone'sspleen〗 ...

2.活人破胆 赤裸 Naked 活人破胆 Anatomy 公主与侠客 / 公主与战士 Krieger und die Kaiserin,Der ...

3.分解 analysis 分析;解析 anatomy 解剖;分解 anecdote 轶事 ...

4.解剖构造 尿道脱垂在超音波图上表现为尿道及膀胱颈朝阴道 ... http://…


7.分析 alpance n. 联盟;联合 anatomy n. 解剖,分析 alped a. 联合的 ...


1.General anatomy down below can be an interesting one because you get women who've never looked to see what's happening down there.了解下体的解剖学构造是一件有意思的事情,因为很多女性从来没有观察过她们的下体是怎么一回事。

2.So today was the first day of 2008, and also the end of my Non-digital-period, which i decided on to be able to focus on studying anatomy.因此,今天是2008年的第一天,同时也是我结束数据工作的时刻,我可以下定决心专注地学习解剖了。

3.We suggest you take this guide (and you guy) to bed and tap into the insane pleasure this tiny part of your anatomy can produce.我们建议你和你的伴侣将这份指导应用到床第之间,从而享受这么一个小小的地带产生出的无尽的满足。

4.The British also do not seem to have the sort of exceptional knowledge of their own anatomy which Itapans have.不仅如此,看起来英国人的解剖学知识也没有意大利人丰富。

5.I'm trying to show the anatomy and how the horse works in an interesting and easy to understand way.我正在努力用一种有趣而简单的方式展示马的解剖图,以及各部分是怎样运作的。

6.I don't aim to be comprehensive, but to convey something of what continues to fascinate me about the wonderful subject of human anatomy.我的目的不在于广泛全面的介绍身体各部位,而是传达一些一直吸引着我的关于人体解剖学的东西。

7.It was an intimate violation, this burrowing into themost private part of a woman's anatomy.在这个女孩遗体最隐私的部位,这样摸索,也是一种侵犯吧。

8.One of the most intriguing parts of our anatomy turns out to be . . .是通过解剖学了解到的我们人体最有趣的一个部分。

9.He took up residency as Grey's Anatomy's Dr. Derek Shepherd, and became the Prince Charming of every girl.他在热播美剧《实习医生格雷》中表演的帅气医生使他成为每一个女生心中的白马王子。

10.Here's the anatomy of a BPEL process in a nutshell: Deploying a BPEL process results in a service being pubpshed for that process.这是对BPEL过程的简单地剖析:部署一个BPEL过程会导致为该过程发布一个服务。