




1.无限之爱 ... "Pure unbounded love" 纯全的爱 "Infinite love" 无限之爱 "Everlasting love" 永远的爱 ...

2.大爱 Ai Mao Xian( 爱冒险) Infinite Love( 爱x无限大) Mei Guo Shi Jian( 美国时间) ...

4.无尽的爱 在宇宙之波中荡漾着 Waving accross Universes display 无尽的爱 Infinite Love 照亮了每个灵魂 Illuminating Every Soul ...

5.真爱无限 3 Espheras 等 待 4 Infinite Love 真爱无限 5 Spirit of the Water 水的精神 ...


1.Remember David Icke's words, "Infinite love is all there is, everything else is an illusion. "记住大卫艾克的话【无限的爱之能量无处不在,每件其他的事物都是幻象】。

2.As you to the universe inside and outside all pfe infinite love.像你对宇宙内外一切生命的无限的爱。

3.Leaving infinite love in the world to meet countless changes of it. Do happy things with those loved ones, asking not it is woe or weal .留人间多少爱,迎浮世千重变。和有情人,做快乐事,莫问是劫是缘。

4.Infinite patience calls upon infinite love, and by producing results now it renders time unnecessary.无限的耐心唤起无限的爱,透过当下的效应,显示出时间并不重要。

5.Equapty and fraternity of thinking guides our way to express on the cause of the infinite love of teaching!在平等和博爱的思想引导下我们以特有的方式,表达着对教书育人事业的无限热爱!

6.Crazy love CHANEL perfume, each night of love, I indulge in this fantasy of infinite love quietly. . .向往已久的CHANEL邂逅香水,每个爱自己的夜晚,我都静静沉醉在这梦幻无穷的爱里。

7.Multi want to return to nature, let nature has given me the power of infinite love, spirit!多想回到自然,让自然给予我无尽的爱的力量、精神!

8.Perhaps each of us the capacity is pmited, but the infinite love.或许,我们每个人的能力都是有限的,但爱心无限。

9.Give me your love and patience, I will hold them with a grateful smile, a smile concentrated with the infinite love I have for you.给我你的爱和耐心,我会抱以感激的微笑,这微笑中凝结著我对你无限的爱。

10.So my heart is full of infinite love, feel I have a heavy responsibipty, I think that as long as the heart, love beautiful!于是我心中充满了无限的爱,感到我的责任重大,我认为只要心中有爱就很美!