

destruction:[英 [dɪˈstrʌkʃn] 美 [dɪˈstrʌkʃən] ]


destruction 基本解释


名词摧毁; 破坏,毁灭,消灭,灭亡,扑灭,驱除; 毁灭的原因,破坏手段; 杀害


destruction 同义词



destruction 反义词




destruction 相关例句


1. Pride was her destruction.


2. Overconfidence was his destruction.


3. destruction在线翻译

3. The fire caused the destruction of my books.


4. Gambling was his destruction.


5. The flood caused serious destruction to the railway.


destruction 网络解释


1. 毁灭:维持15秒, 其间你对目标造成伤害的话, 则效果除消.为同伴移除一个诅咒(Curse)或妖术(Hex).救 命大绝, 在中后期的战斗, 毁灭(Destruction)方的两位近战职, 女巫精灵(Witch Elf)和掠夺者(Marauder)都有能力秒杀战斗牧师,

2. 销毁:在REST的世界里,整个Web被看作一组资源的集合,而不是一张张的网页,这是什么意思呢?现在,你应该已经理解了什么是资源,在下一节,我们将讲解如何通过HTTP来创建(Creation),读取(Reading),更新(Updating)和销毁(Destruction)一个资源.

destruction 双语例句

1. Probably you know as well as the speaker what is actually taking place in the world - utter chaos, disorder, violence, extreme forms of brutality, riots ending up in war. Our lives are extraordinarily difficult, confused and contradictory, not only in ourselves - inside the skin as it were - but also outwardly. There is utter destruction.


2. But pollution, the loss of land and the destruction of ecosystems will hold back the country's future growth, write Jiang Gaoming and Gao Jixi.


3. destruction的解释

3. It will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and oceans.


4. Insonsiderate and ill-matched alliances generally end in ruin, and the man who compass the destruction of his neighbour is often caught in his own snare.


5. Destruction and suffering are corollaries of war.


6. Excavation and borrow because of the villagers, these sites and Graves has a lot of problems faced with the danger of destruction.


7. The inorganic composition of DCS in DIP is the key factor resulting in deposition of wood pitch, in which the triglyceride composition is agglomerated and deposited due to the destruction of electrostatic stability, however the fatty acid composition is deposited due to the formation of insoluble soap.

研究结果表明,DCS 中的无机溶解性组分是引起胶体发生沉积的关键因素,树脂中甘油三酯通过破坏静电稳定性引起聚集和沉积,脂肪酸通过反应形成黏性不溶性皂而加剧沉积。

8. But there's really no reason to invade, especially considering that Liechtenstein possesses neither anuclear program nor any weapons of mass destruction.


9. It can be caused by irreversible expansion of the alveoli or by the destruction of alveolar walls.


10. destruction在线翻译

10. Special structures for coherent FBG group and fiber MZI sensors are designed. For weak signals or strongly interferenced signals, winding method, flat layout method, special coated fiber method or spring separation method, solid separation method are proposed, and the recognition ability for object signals is improved. The physical features of the object signals are extracted from various aspects by the parameters analysis such as maximum amplitude, RMS, ringing count, pulse count, event count and duration, by the waveform transform analysis such as Fourier analysis, AR spectrum analysis and joint-time-frequency analysis, and by statistic analysis of the parameters analysis results or waveform transform analysis results. And the features of different object signals are extracted when the optical fiber sensing systems are applied for railway location, axel counter, fence destruction monitoring and pipe destruction monitoring. Auto-recognition of the railway location signals with coherent FBG sensing system is realized by a linear discrimination function based on Fisher criterion. And auto-recognition of the fence destruction signals with a MZI sensing system demodulated by a 3×3 coupler is realized by a LMBP neural network.


11. destruction的近义词

11. NOTE: People and nations only rise in vitriolic complaint against Israel when Israel dares to retaliate against murder and destruction!


12. Part I: Study on the pathogenesis of osteoarticular tuberculosis Objective: To investigate the pathogeny and pathomechanism of bone destruction in osteoarticular tuberculosis.


13. destruction是什么意思

13. Then Israel made an oath to the Lord, and said, If you will give up this people into my hands, then I will send complete destruction on all their towns.

21:2 以色列人向耶和华发愿、说、你若将这民交付我手、我就把他们的城邑尽行毁灭。


14. Destruction, damage, injury or loss of life caused by the explosion or impact, whenever and wherever occurring, of any mine, bomb, shell, grenade, or other projectile, missile, munitions or explosive of war, shall be deemed to be consequences of the said special risks.


15. Destruction, damage, injury or loss of life caused by the explosion or impact whenever and wherever occurring of any mine, bomb, shell, grenade, or other projectile, missile, munitions, or explosive of war, shall be deemed to be a consequence of the said special risks.

65.3 因地雷、炸弹、炮弹、手榴弹、或其他射弹、导弹、弹药、或军用炸药的爆炸或冲击所导致的毁坏、损害、受伤或死亡应被视为是上述特定风险的结果。

16. Under czarism, this kind of confidence is doomed to suffer universal destruction. When all the people are forced to kneel down, the only one who still stands has become a god.



17. And so Chen Wei particularly praises artists like Dumas who can paint characters of such emotions and hardships marked by time. It is also because of this that she creates a path in her oil paintings, and seeks another type of truth from the rhetoric and visual image of traditional Chinese culture, regardless of whether this truth depicts corrosion and destruction, as life in essence is fragile and transient.


18. The study of chemicals found in space, including their formation, interaction and destruction, is called Astrochemistry.



19. It is far from being the case: I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction, and I am too idle to destroy for nothing.


20. The destruction spanned an area of 500 miles, and some 830, 000 lives were lost.


destruction 词典解释

1. 破坏;毁灭;消灭

Destruction is the act of destroying something, or the state of being destroyed.

e.g. ...an international agreement aimed at halting the destruction of the ozone layer.


e.g. ...weapons of mass destruction.


destruction 单语例句destruction什么意思

1. This preference also contributes to the ongoing destruction of the capital's historic neighborhoods.

2. The destruction was the latest ancient architecture lost in the Chinese capital's rush to modernization at the expense of cultural heritages.

3. SHANGHAI - Chinese quality inspectors have ordered the destruction of six types of lipstick found to contain the carcinogenic industrial dye Sudan Red.

4. " Dark of the Moon " mostly is an expensive exercise in rubbernecking, the audience getting to watch colossal carnage and destruction from the safety of stadium seating.

5. The experience has made me believe that news does not center on the moment of death and destruction.

6. Paul is charged with providing material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide support to terrorists and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.

7. Its charter calls for the destruction of the Jewish state and the establishment of a Palestine on land today incorporated in modern Israel.

8. Ban arrived in Gaza on Tuesday afternoon to check the destruction in the Gaza Strip following 22 days of Israeli military offensive on the enclave.

9. Russia launched its third chemical weapons destruction plant on Friday as part of the plans to scrap its stockpile of toxins by 2012.

10. Iraq had already submitted a list of 83 people who it said took part in the destruction of banned chemical weapons and materials.

destruction是什么意思destruction 英英释义


1. the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists

Synonym: devastation

2. an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something

Synonym: demolitionwipeout

3. a final state

e.g. he came to a bad end

the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end

Synonym: enddeath