



美式发音: [ˈdedˌbit] 英式发音: [ˈdedˌbiːt]




复数:deadbeats  同义词





n.1.someone who tries to avoid paying money that they owe2.someone who is lazy and does not want to achieve anything in pfe

1.赖债不还的人 hard up 缺钱 deadbeat n. 赖债不还的人 cheapskate n. 小气鬼;吝啬鬼 ...

2.无差拍 禽流感 avian flu or bird flu 老赖 deadbeat 韩流 Hallyu or Korean fever ...

4.不摆的 deadbeat galvanometer 速示电流计 deadbeat 不摆的 deaden the way 阻碍航道 ...

5.赖账的人 ... deserve: 应得,应受 deadbeat: 赖账不还的人 pile up: 堆积 ...

7.游手好闲者 foster family 寄养家庭 deadbeat 游手好闲者 feckless 不负责任的 ...

8.赖帐者 hand-outs: 施舍物、救济品 deadbeat赖帐者 pinch pennies: 精打细算 ...


1.It's just a PR phrase invented by the White House to stick single-family mortgage deadbeats into the HAMP and leave out the speculators.这只是白宫发明的一个公关术语,以便将有抵押债不还的单一家庭列入HAMP方案中,而把投机者排除在外。

2.One cash-strapped Indian city has launched a unique collection service to dislodge payment from tax deadbeats: Door-to-door eunuchs.印度一财政陷入困境的城市最近采用了一种独特的征税方式:太监上门征税来胁迫欠税者缴税。

3.So strategic default was portrayed as the act of dishonorable deadbeats.因此,战略性违约被描绘成为赖账不还的无耻之人的行径。

4.Of course, debts should be paid, especially by deadbeats awash in oil.欠债还钱是理所当然,特别是那些因为有石油而游手好闲的国家。

5.First, the portfopo is much less exposed to the global deadbeats with most debt.首先,在投资组合中的大量债券只有很少量是国际赖账家的。

6.Then why do you and other credit card companies refer to the customers who pay off their debts promptly as deadbeats?那为什么你们这些信用卡公司喜欢招揽还不起债的老赖作为顾客?

7.Credit card companies have a special word for the customers who pay in full every month. They're called deadbeats.她说:“信用卡公司对于那些每月一次性还款的客户有一个特殊称谓:故意赖账的人。”

8.When the people behind on their bills aren't classic deadbeats but are truly tapped out, debt collectors also get pinched.如果拖欠债务的人并非专好赖帐的老油条,而是手头真地有困难,那么催收公司也就没多少可赚了。

9.We have got some people rowing at full beat, some at one-half beat, and some deadbeats.我们有人全力划船,有人只出一半力,还有人则在偷闲。

10.And they have a zero-tolerance popcy towards deadbeats.它们对坏账采取了零容忍政策。