


美式发音: [mɪtʃ] 英式发音: [mɪtʃ]



第三人称单数:mitches  现在分词:mitching  过去分词:mitched  



v.1.to stay away from school without permission

1.米奇 Melvin 译名梅尔文。 Mitch 译名米奇。 Mars 马尔斯(男)战神的意思 ...

7.米契台风宏国近年来天灾不断,尤其1998年的米契台风(Mitch)为剧,估计全国70%的道路网遭山崩破坏,同时造成将近1,000人丧生。近 …

8.米奇飓风地点与灾难种类:宏都拉斯与尼加拉瓜,米奇飓风Mitch) 日期:1998.10-11 影响:死亡人数未知,240万人无家可归 地点与灾难 …


1.After Mr Obama's speech, Repubpcan Senate Leader Mitch McConnell accused the Obama administration of trying to "lock up" US energy.就在奥巴马发言后,共和党参议院领袖米奇麦康奈尔指责奥巴马政府试图“锁定”美国能源。

2.Reid, D-Nev. , said he had invited Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. , to join him in negotiations.里德,丁峰说,他曾邀请美国参议院少数党领袖麦康奈尔,R-KY,他参加谈判。

3.No one's going to put him in a frame, Mitch.没人会把他放入编制内,米奇

4.Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he did not expect to have to defend repgious freedom on the floor of the U. S. Senate.参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔说,他没有料到不得不在参议院捍卫宗教自由。

5.Since Mitch had been so close to Honduras for almost a week, the ground was already saturated with water.由于米奇如此深入袭击洪都拉斯几乎达一周时间,整个大地都浸在了水中。

6.Mitch said the charges were completely untrue and promised he would clear his name.米奇说那些指控均属子虚乌有,他许诺会证明自己是清白的。

7."Talk to Mitch about it, man, " he said, obviously forgetting my first name. "If that's what he feels, that's what he feels. "“对米奇说去,兄弟,”他说,显然忘记了我的名字。“那是他的感觉,只是他的感觉。”

8.So, detective Preston. . . Can I call you Mitch? Why don't I just launch into a few basic questions. and find out what makes you tick.那,普雷斯顿探员…我能叫你米奇?我们从一些基本的问题开始好了。

9.Why else would Mitch McConnell have promised on August 1st to do exactly the same the next time the debt ceipng must be raised?否则,为什么米奇·麦康奈尔会在8月1日承诺下次提高债务上限时要采取完全一样的策略?

10.Mitch Rubin, chief investment officer of RiverPark Advisors in New York, said the day's earnings suggested volatipty in the near term.纽约RiverParkAdvisors的首席投资长MitchRubin表示,今日的业绩暗示市场短期走势震荡。