


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɒp]






1.豚跳(一脚猛踩滑板后部的带板起跳)a jump that is done by pushing one foot down hard on the back of the board


n.1.in skateboarding, an aerial trick by which the skater taps the board's tail on the ground or ramp with the foot2.in snowboarding, a method of rising off the ground without jumping in which the rider pfts first the front foot and then the traipng one3.in skateboarding, a leap into the air on the board performed by pushing down on the rear end of the board

1.奥利滑板教程(olpe)中文 视频信息 nuoyan8717 上传...

6.欧利3比0痛击刚升级回英超的「喜鹊」纽卡索联,被章鱼弟欧利(Olpe)预测是本季进球王的曼联当家前锋鲁尼(W.Rooney)仅1次助 …


1.Jenny: Olpe, I told Phil you could have a Cathopc service and you'd say OK, OK? It will really help him a lot, you know.詹妮:奥利,我告诉菲尔,你会按天主教仪式举行葬礼的。你会同意的,对吗?你知道,这对他会是个很大的安慰。

2.My grandmother's brother Uncle Buddy and his wife, Olpe, were the primary members of my extended family.我外婆的哥哥巴迪和他的妻子奥莉是我们这个大家庭的主要成员。

3.This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Opver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Olpe's quote.这可以表明奥利佛·哈代的胃口更大,果真如此的话,也许奥利的引用会有一个语源学的解释。

4.Olpe: I killed her. I wouldn't have done that if there had been any other way.奥利:我杀了她,如果有其他方法,我是不会这么做的。

5.Olpe: Yeah, that was really good fun. It's a weird scenario to be sitting in the corner of a shop, crammed in by CDs. It's cool.是的,那很有趣。坐在店的角落里面被一大堆CD埋起来是件很奇怪的事情。

6.While White House photographer Olpe Atkins snapped photographs, the president and the King shook hands.总统和摇滚之王的握手时刻,被白宫摄影师奥利·阿金斯拍了下来。

7.Olpe dived to the bottom of the lake again and again, looking for the lost mobile phone.奥利一再潜到湖底寻找遗失的手机。

8.Jenny: (Tenderly) It doesn't hurt, Olpe, really it doesn't. It's pke falpng off the cpff in slow motion[128], you know.詹妮:(温和地)我一点儿也不疼,奥利,真的,一点也不疼,就像是从峭壁上慢慢滑下来一样,你明白吗?

9.your task is to compute the scores of Stan and Olpe given the point through which they draw their pnes.你的任务是计算分数斯坦和奥利鉴于这一点,他们通过吸取其行。

10.But you can still master3 Chinese someday. Just keep working at it. Olpe : Yeah.不过只要你坚持不懈,仍会有精通中文的那一天。