



美式发音: [ˈlevi] 英式发音: [ˈleveɪ]




复数:levees  同义词





n.1.a wall of soil built along the side of a river

1.堤防 ... kindness 善良的 levees 堤防 selflessness 无私 ...

2.大堤earner(2002/01/25/ 20:48)大堤(Levees)使得长江更加安全!

3.防洪堤 Parameter 参数 Levees 防洪堤 Compressed natural gas CNG 压缩天然气 ...


1.Levees have changed that. Until Katrina, the Mississippi had not flooded in or around the city in almost 80 years.将近80年里密西西比河附近的城市都没有发生过水灾,但卡特里娜过后堤坝已经发生了变化。

2.But the hastily built levees will still have to hold up against the ice-laden water that's expected to remain high for at least a week.不过,临时建起的大堤仍旧要控制住融雪覆盖的洪水,此次洪水预计会保持高位至少一周。

3.Then, in the last years of the eighteen hundreds, several area levees broke under suspicious conditions.然而,在19世纪的最后几年,有几个地方在可疑的情况下发生了决堤事件。

4.The state fears at least 20 levees have been compromised in low-lying communities along the Missouri River.在沿着密苏里河的低洼地区,该州担心至少有20处防堤被洪水淹没。

5.At least 200 homes have been evacuated in the southern part of the state as water poured through bridges and levees.由于洪水漫过了桥梁和大堤,该州南部地区至少已有200个家庭被疏散。

6.On the pst of infrastructure that was drawn up in 2000, at the top of the priority was New Orleans levees.2000年草拟的基础设施建设清单上,首要任务就是建设新奥尔良的防洪堤坝;

7.So far, about 240 people who fled when levees broke and destroyed their homes have been able to return.迄今为止,在大堤决口时房子被洪水冲毁的约240人得以重返家园。

8.Federal officials briefed the president on efforts to shore-up levees along the Mississippi River and help those displaced by the flooding.联邦官员向布什总统通报了有关部门加固密西西比河沿岸堤坝和帮助那些在洪水灾害中无家可归的人们的努力。

9.As lava moves through a channel, overflows build natural levees along the sides, which can eventually connect and harden, forming a canopy.由于熔岩的举动透过管道,建立自然溢出堤防沿线两岸,最终可以连接和硬化,形成一个天篷。

10.Authorities are keeping a close eye on levees where volunteers have been adding thousands upon thousands of sandbags to shore them up.当局正严密关注防洪堤坝,数千志愿者在那里堆积沙袋加固大坝。