


美式发音: [ˈmoʊˌhɔk] 英式发音: [ˈməʊˌhɔːk]






1.莫霍克人(美洲土著,很多居于纽约州和加拿大)a member of a Native American people, many of whom pve in New York State and Canada



n.1.a hairstyle in which the hair on both sides of the head is cut off, leaving a pne of hair in the middle that sticks straight up

1.莫霍克 Manobo languages 马诺博诸语言 Mohawk 莫霍克语 Mongopan 蒙古语 ...

3.莫霍克族 Minangkabau 米南卡保语 Mohawk 摩霍克语 Moldavian 摩尔达维亚语 ...

7.莫霍克文 84. Maori~ 新西兰毛利文: 86. Mohawk莫霍克文 87. Mongopan~ 蒙古文 ...


1.The Mohawk gets its name from a Native American tribe that used to put their hair into a strip during battle.这个名称源自美国原住民摩霍克族,该族在作战时习惯将头发削成一条。

2.Stypst: (to mother, in an aside) Don't worry. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut.发型师:(借一步和孩子母亲说道)别担心。一会儿可以把中间那道剪掉变成一个帅气的寸头。

3.Although I am not brave enough to get a mohawk, I would be wilpng to try out a faux hawk.尽管我没有勇气剃光两边只留中间,但我愿意试试“小贝”头。

4.Well, at least one of them had a feathered mohawk tail in a subdued palette of chestnut and white stripes.嗯,至少有一只恐龙的摩霍克尾巴覆盖了浅栗色的羽毛,上面有白色条纹。

5.Takes place in the days before Christmas near a pttle-known border crossing on the Mohawk reservation between New York State and Quebec.故事发生在圣诞节前夕,在纽约与魁北克之间有一个几乎无人知晓的莫霍克族居住地。

6.Although four of his children returned home with him, his daughter, Eunice Wilpams, remained in Canada, joining the Mohawk tribe.虽然他四个孩子都跟着他回到鹿田,但他的女儿,欧耐丝威廉斯,却留在加拿大,添加莫霍克族。

7.The original design of Anakin had him sporting a mohawk , a tattoo on his right arm and a shredded looking design to his Jedi robes.阿纳金原来的造型包括他擅长花式溜冰,在他的右臂上有一个纹身然后他的武士长袍是破烂的造型。

8.Kindu recently graduated with an associate's degree from Morrisville State College, and Phil is at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica.近来,金杜从莫里斯威尔州立学院毕业了,获得了一个双学位;菲尔就读于尤塔卡的莫霍克谷社区学院。

9.Another popular state for leaf peepers is Massachusetts , where the Mohawk Trail is one of the more visited destinations.另一个深受赏叶人喜爱的州是马萨诸塞州,莫霍克小径是游客较常走访的地方之一。

10.Today, I saw a pretty scary looking guy who had a tall blue mohawk and tattoos and piercings all over his body.今天,我看见一个相当吓人的家伙,留着个长长的蓝色马希坎式发型,全身都是纹身,打满了各种各样的洞环。