

listen:[英 [ˈlɪsn] 美 [ˈlɪsən] ]


过去式:listened;   过去分词:listened;   现在分词:listening;

listen 基本解释

不及物动词倾听; 留心听; 听信; (让对方注意)听着



listen 相关例句


1. Each night after dinner we like to listen to the news.


2. She listened for his step.


3. Don't listen to him.


4. You should listen to the teacher if you want to learn.



5. Children should listen to their parents.


listen 情景对话

Traffic Jam-(交通堵塞)

B:Oh, damn. There’s another traffic jam on the highway.



A:How can there be a traffic jam on a 16-lane highway every day?


B:There are just too many people, and too many cars.


A:I wonder if there was an accident.


B:No, they just said it too many people were trying to get off at the Capitol exits.


A:Well, let’s put on some music. We’re going to be stuck in this for a while.


B:All right, what do you want to listen to?


A:How about some Beatles?


B:Yeah, all right.


Two - word Verbs-(成语动词)

A:Hi, Mary, how are you doing?


B:Fine. What happended to you yesterday? I didnt see you in class.


A:Oh, I overslept as usual. What went on anyway?


B:We heard about two-word verbs.



A:Whats a two-word verb?



B:Things like drop in, go over, get out, fill up. Listen to these two sentences: citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr.Lee will run in to see you tomorrow. Can you tell which run in is the two-word verb?

像drop in, go over, get out, fill up这些词。听听下面这两句话:Citation will run in the third race tomorrow; Mr。Lee will run in to see you tomorrow。 这两句中都有run in,你能说出哪一个是成语动词吗?


A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?


B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.



A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?



B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.


A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.


B:Thank you.


listen 网络解释

1. listen

1. 倾听:他们有着出众的偶像外貌、随口便能自在地唱出优美合声,并且在他们动人的歌词及音乐更是令人想起他们前辈团体摇滚麦克(Michael Learns To Rock)乍出道时,将流行音乐的魅力极致地展现出来的美好年代. C21 -(listen)

2. listen

2. 收听:LocalPort 本地端口号,作为TCP连接时的收听(listen)端口,一般应取和标准端口不冲突的值(可考虑取1000以上),如果取0,每次程序启动会自动随机分配一个端口.

listen 双语例句

1. listen的近义词

1. The cable is then run to a remote location where you want to listen.


2. You can also download music and listen to streaming tunes at lightning speed compared to your old dial up tortoise.


3. Listen to your accent simply become a northerner, and the child.


4. Have u ever try to laid on the blackforest in the night, listen to the wind, and the tree speaking, beautiful dark sky, and the soft light from the village. softly and beauitiful.


5. listen的近义词

5. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.



6. We listen to one part of a message and ignore the rest.


7. Listen to their voices, some delicate movements; If the bass part of a thunderous, power strong.


8. listen

8. There is no point arguing with him. He will not listen to you.


9. Like I said, this album is for you and you`re free to listen toit however you want!


10. What are they doing Listen and drag the names to the people in the picture.


11. Listen she said, today is Children's Day in Chinese.


12. listen

12. More than one years ago of that day while I listen to her tell to me the story, I silently of time, the tears downslide already, but she seems to tell the other`s story, she is natural and unrestrained. she lies on my shoulder, I only heard let me feeling the tired sigh.


13. If you have ears, then, listen to what Spirit says to the churches!


14. Listen, then, if you have ears!



15. Listen to the landlord aunt say incontinence, in our here, animals were incapable of defecating and urinating, or else to pick it up.


16. Listen instead of dissin lessons from a grown man, And IWish the families that lack, but got love, get some stacks


17. But you know, I also listen to opera.


18. Don't listen to her - she's trying to pull a fast one on you.


19. The government has had a change of heart over the proposed tax reforms and is now prepared to listen to public opioion.


20. Please listen to.......


listen 词典解释

1. (注意地)听

If you listen to someone who is talking or to a sound, you give your attention to them or it.

e.g. He spent his time listening to the radio...


e.g. Sonia was not listening.



One or two listeners had fallen asleep while the President was speaking.


2. 留神听;留心听

If you listen for a sound, you keep alert and are ready to hear it if it occurs.

e.g. We listen for footsteps approaching...


e.g. They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you?


3. 听从;听信

If you listen to someone, you do what they advise you to do, or you believe them.

e.g. Anne, you need to listen to me this time...


e.g. When I asked him to stop, he would not listen.


4. 听着;听我说

You say listen when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important.

e.g. Listen, I finish at one.


5. 听我说

You say listen up when you want someone to listen to what you are going to say.

e.g. Okay, listen up, guys. We've got to talk a little about how you look.


6. (尤用于生气时)给我听好了

You say listen here when you are going to say something important to someone, especially when you are angry at what they have done or said.


e.g. Listen here, young lady. Don't you call me that!


Do not confuse listen and hear. If you want to say that someone is paying attention to something they can hear, you say that they are listening to it. He turned on the radio and listened to the news. Note that listen is not followed directly by an object. You must always say that you listen to something. However, listen can also be used on its own without an object. I was laughing too much to listen. You use hear to talk about sounds that you are aware of because they reach your ears. You often use can with hear. I can hear him yelling and swearing.

不要混淆 listen 和 hear。listen to 表示注意听, 如:He turned on the radio and listened to the news(他打开收音机听新闻)。注意listen不能直接跟宾语,只能说listen to something。不过,listen亦可不带宾语单独使用,如:I was laughing too much to listen(我当时笑得太厉害了,根本没听)。hear 用来表示听见已经传到耳朵里的声音。它常与can连用,如:I can hear him yelling and swearing(我能听到他在大叫大骂)。

相关词组:listen in

listen 单语例句

1. " I would certainly listen, " the newspaper quoted Buss as saying on Thursday.

2. You listen to music made by yourself when you enter the bar.

3. When she was awake, she would listen for sounds and call out to anything she heard.

4. Smart machines will also soon be able to listen to the environment and highlight the sounds we care about most.

5. But the local officials ultimately corrected their mistake and chose the right path after refusing to listen to the local residents'grievances initially.

6. Many analysts questioned whether the fighters would listen to the cleric and said they doubted the deal would stop violence.

7. Lee noted that in other common law jurisdictions which have such laws, judges and commissioners do not listen to the materials.

8. It's important for the woman to listen and help her boyfriend improve his communicative abilities.

9. This is unprecedented in the history of the country's administrative regulation legislation and shows legislators desire to listen to the public.

10. He said people should not just listen to what these congressmen say but they should pay attention to their actions.

listen的反义词listen 英英释义


1. hear with intention

e.g. Listen to the sound of this cello

2. listen and pay attention

e.g. Listen to your father

We must hear the expert before we make a decision

Synonym: heartake heed

3. pay close attention to

give heed to

e.g. Heed the advice of the old men

Synonym: heedmind