

raucous:[英 [ˈrɔ:kəs] 美 [ˈrɔkəs] ]


raucous 基本解释

形容词刺耳的; 粗声的,沙哑的


raucous 网络解释

1. 沙哑的:raucity 沙哑 | raucous 沙哑的 | raucously 沙哑地


2. 喧闹的,粗声的:prophetic预示的,预言的 | raucous喧闹的,粗声的 | resonant有回声的,洪亮的,共振的

3. (声音)沙哑的,粗糙的:ratiocination 推理,推论 | raucous (声音)沙哑的,粗糙的 | recalcitrant 固执的,顽抗的

4. (沙哑的、粗糙的):flooded(淹没、充满) | raucous(沙哑的、粗糙的) | launched(开始于)

raucous 双语例句

1. Except that there is more raucous fun in this book than ever found in Plath.

除此之外与Sylvia Plath的作品相比,Dorothy Molloy的诗中有更多的刺耳的幽默。

2. raucous的翻译

2. Like other black churches, Trinity's services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor.


3. raucous的解释

3. One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York, a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties, and, until recently, academic credibility.


4. One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York, a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties (it doesn't even have dorms), and, until recently, academic credibility.


5. But for the New york city colleage, a public colleage, compared with others, it does not have a splendour athlete team, does not have an eclogue campus, does not Raucous parties, and even not have a dormitory, and even worse is that it does not have any academic cridiblity untill recent, but the office of this colleage is fully filled with apply letters from students, which is unbelievable.


6. I don`t know what time it was when, over the drone of the rusted fan and the clattering metal laths in the cabin, the raucous shouts of a crowd woke me.


7. Nothing swaggered with a raucous noise to disarrange the perfect harmony.


8. It is important to remember, when people complain about the irresponsibility of the press today, that back then it was much more raucous.


9. raucous在线翻译

9. As the season trudges along, every fifth day we forget all about Hughes` and Kennedy`s troubles and watch a potential milestone season unravel for Wang. We hold our breath with every pitch thrown hoping that the problematic fingernail does not flare up and impede on his march to October. Last night you could hear the gasps from the raucous crowd when in the fifth inning, Wang summoned Jose Molina to the mound after a pitch and was seen flicking his right thumb. Manager Joe Girardi and Head Trainer Gene Monahan immediately jogged to the mound, hoping their worst fears were not realized. At that point you could immediately feel the sense of urgency in the organization. This was their gem, their only bridge between now and championship number 27.9 M# u7 Y s# W O

随著这个令人心情沉重的球季持续进行著,每5天我们就可以忘掉所有关於休斯和甘乃迪的困扰,并且看到王小民开创可能是一个生涯里程碑的球季,在他投出每一球时,我们屏气敛息希望他那常搞飞机的指甲别出状况,而妨碍到他进军十月份的比赛,昨晚第五局王小民投出一球之后,招手要莫里那上投手丘,并且轻轻活动他的右拇指时,你可以听到喧闹的观众中传来阵阵的喘气声,总教练吉拉帝和主任防护员Gene Monahan马上跑上投手丘,希望他们最害怕的事情千万别发生,在那个时候你可以立即感受到球团里面的焦急感,这是他们的瑰宝,他们通往第27座世界冠军头衔的唯一桥梁。2 V# T6 h+ 9 o$ P' J

10. As the season trudges along, every fifth day we forget all about Hughes` and Kennedy`s troubles and watch a potential milestone season unravel for Wang. We hold our breath with every pitch thrown hoping that the problematic fingernail does not flare up and impede on his march to October. Last night you could hear the gasps from the raucous crowd when in the fifth inning, Wang summoned Jose Molina to the mound after a pitch and was seen flicking his right thumb. Manager Joe Girardi and Head Trainer Gene Monahan immediately jogged to the mound, hoping their worst fears were not realized. At that point you could immediately feel the sense of urgency in the organization. This was their gem, their only bridge between now and championship number 27.王建民加油站 g# l1 h2 {% I

随著这个令人心情沉重的球季持续进行著,每5天我们就可以忘掉所有关於休斯和甘乃迪的困扰,并且看到王小民开创可能是一个生涯里程碑的球季,在他投出每一球时,我们屏气敛息希望他那常搞飞机的指甲别出状况,而妨碍到他进军十月份的比赛,昨晚第五局王小民投出一球之后,招手要莫里那上投手丘,并且轻轻活动他的右拇指时,你可以听到喧闹的观众中传来阵阵的喘气声,总教练吉拉帝和主任防护员Gene Monahan马上跑上投手丘,希望他们最害怕的事情千万别发生,在那个时候你可以立即感受到球团里面的焦急感,这是他们的瑰宝,他们通往第27座世界冠军头衔的唯一桥梁。

11. Griffiths has been in superb form for Beijing Guoan this season, opening the scoring in their do-or-die group stage showdown with Kawasaki Frontale, as the Chinese side won through to the Round of 16 in front of a raucous home crowd.


12. It wasn't in the raucous youths'house, however; he lived in the quieter Burt house, and he helped Burt, who was something of a God-squadder, as a volunteer at Christian youth groups.


13. raucous的解释

13. Like other black churches, Trinity`s services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor.


14. Packed into this raucous little box is quite a bit of muscle: the sound of six C batteries pushing six watts of screaming electricity through a 6.5 speaker has never sounded so furious. And with a Spider-style direct output, Micro Spider is perfect for practicing with headphones and easy direct recording. Whether at home or at the beach, in the studio or the back of the tour bus, this is the world-class Line 6 experience.

填充到这个全世界人民小盒子是一个相当有点肌肉:声六c电池推6瓦特的尖叫电力通过一个6.5 议长从未吹响了,所以愤怒,并与蜘蛛式的直接输出,微型蜘蛛是十全十美的,为实践与耳机和容易直接录音,无论在家中或在海滩上,在工作室或背部的旅游巴士,这是世界级的6号线的经验。

15. Over bar-band stomp, Lambert narrates a rage-fueled encounter with her ex's new girl, and both her big chorus and slice-of-life story are long on raucous energy and entertainment value.



16. Over bar-band stomp, Lambert narrates a rage-fueled encounter with herex's new girl, and both her big chorus and slice-of-life story are longon raucous energy and entertainment value.


17. raucous的近义词

17. Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their brokensnouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour.


18. Now Mister Wren is talking. His voice is raucous, scraping, booming, a heavy blunt weapon that wedges its way through flesh and bone and cartilage.


19. raucous什么意思

19. Of particular interest within Chiclayo Peru itself, is the exciting and oft-raucous Chiclayo market, which is know as the Mercado Modelo.


20. I will not teach the parrot to meow in a loud and raucous manner.


raucous 词典解释

1. 喧闹的;嘶哑的;刺耳的

A raucous sound is loud, harsh, and rather unpleasant.

e.g. They heard a bottle being smashed, then more raucous laughter.


e.g. ...the raucous cries of the seabirds.



They laughed together raucously.

他们一起放声大笑,声音很刺耳。raucous 单语例句

1. Maybe it was the extra rest, or another raucous crowd at the United Center.

2. A clash of cultures as the sedate and somber world of snooker jarred with the raucous chaos that is modern China.

3. And it would have to adjust for varying light conditions and the raucous commotion of people at different distances from its sensor.

4. Fending him off, the girls draw raucous applause and laughter from their friends.

5. The most raucous it got was when protesters tied colorful origami birds to the fence of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

6. He walked off the green with his arm extended, waving his cap to a raucous gallery.

7. Hundreds of department personnel gave Powell a raucous ovation lasting almost a minute when he appeared for the farewell ceremony in the department's main lobby.

8. The language she used during her call was obscene when expressing anger and punctuated with raucous peals of laughter.

9. Behind the raucous objection to the " jeans tower " lies a public vigilance against visual association that's too close for comfort.

10. Danish coach Steen Pedersen said he was pleased with his players'performances and the raucous support offered by the legion of Danish fans.

raucous 英英释义


1. unpleasantly loud and harsh

Synonym: strident

2. disturbing the public peace

loud and rough

e.g. a raucous party

rowdy teenagers

Synonym: rowdy