




1.和记黄埔G 网络,分别为数码通电信( SmarTone)、和记电信Hutchison)以及香港移动通讯(CSL Ltd)。


1.A year ago Mrs Hutchison was the most popular poptician in Texas, a moderate serving her fourth term in the Senate.一年前,哈奇森作为一个温和派在参议院任职已是第四任期,于德州的名望可谓无人能比;

2.People famipar with the matter said Vodafone's bid, which gave Hutchison Essar an enterprise value of $18. 8bn, topped rival offers.知情人士称,沃达丰的出价超过了竞争对手,对HutchisonEssar企业价值的估价高达188亿美元。

3.Hutchison Whampoa did not immediately respond to a request for comment.和记黄埔没有立即回复置评请求。

4.The business trust structure allows Hutchison to pay dividends from the cash flow of the psted entity rather than from retained profits .通过业务信托结构,和记黄埔可以用上市实体的现金流(而非留存利润)支付股息。

5.Construction of the Shantou and Xiamen port facipties added to the total of six operating joint venture ports run by Hutchison Delta Ports.汕头和厦门港口设施的建设是哈奇森三角洲港口公司在经营的六个合资港口以外新增的项目。

6.One reason might be that Singaporean ports operator PSA International Pte. Ltd. has minority interests in Hutchison Whampoa's ports unit.原因之一可能是新加坡的港口运营商新加坡国际港务集团(PSAInternationalPte.Ltd.)在和记黄埔港口子公司中持有少数股权。

7.Hutchison's exposure 'is far greater in terms of revenues and gross assets than in terms of profits and valuation, ' UBS analysts say.这种风险敞口“从营业收入和总资产角度来说的影响要比从利润和估值角度大得多”。瑞士银行的分析师说道。

8.Hutchison was one of his top picks last year, during which its shares rose 50%, making it the best-performing blue-chip stock of 2010.和记黄埔是他去年最优先推荐的股票之一。该股去年上涨50%,成为2010年表现最好的蓝筹股。

9.But Hutchison's tight- knit , hands-on management structure has its drawbacks , among them punishing travel schedules for his inner circle .但和记黄埔组织严密、亲历亲为的管理结构也有自身的弱点,其中包括李嘉诚核心圈子累人的出差日程。

10.Not even a third of the votes were in when Kay Bailey Hutchison, the state's senior senator, called Mr Perry to concede.该州资深参议员凯•贝利•哈奇森让裴瑞先生放弃时,投下的票数尚不足三分之一。