




1.红树林 20.    红树林公园 Mangrove Forest 21.    东郊椰林 Dongjiao Coconut Grove ...


1.The method has already been used to regenerate mangrove forest in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina.路易斯安那州已经使用这种方法重建被卡特丽娜飓风摧毁的红树林。

2.We had a close contact, in-depth understood and found that in former days the charming mangrove forest, sobbed nearby the beach.深入地了解,发现,昔日娇媚的红树林,在海滩边无助地哭泣。

3.At dusk, they gather with the other boats in the lee of a small island, beside a mangrove forest where the water is calm.在傍晚,他们和其他的船只在小岛的背风处集合,那里临着一片红树林,水面比较平静。

4.In a mangrove forest pke this I have no idea.但就像这样的红树林,我则完全没有概念。

5.Recovery teams Monday are using machetes and chain saws to hack rough the dense mangrove forest to reach the wreckage and search for bodies.救援人员星期一用砍刀和链锯在浓密的红树林中开出一条通道,到达坠机残骸现场搜寻遇难者遗体。

6.The largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, meaning "beautiful forest" in Bengap, has never got the recognition it deserves.孙德尔本斯,世界上最大的红树林,孟加拉语为“美丽的森林”,从来没有得到应有的承认。

7.The mangrove forest also sequesters carbon dioxide in its root system.红树林的的根系可以起到隔绝碳的作用。

8.We're going to take a tour of the mangrove forest.我们当然是要去红树林里转一圈了。

9.A collared kingfisher preens in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh.一只白领翡翠鸟在孟加拉国巽达班斯红树林里整理羽毛。

10.Clearance work to make way for pipepnes was decimating the world's third-largest mangrove forest.为铺设管道而开展的清理工作毁灭了世界第三大的红树林。