

turf:[英 [tɜ:f] 美 [tɜ:rf] ]


过去式:turfed;   现在分词:turfing;   复数形式:turfs;

turf 基本解释


名词草皮; 泥炭; 地盘,势力范围; 赛马场,跑马场

及物动词用草皮覆盖; 抛出; 扔掉; 赶走


turf 相关词组


1. on the turf : 以赛马为业;

turf 相关例句



1. It will be good if that part of the garden is turfed.




1. We have ordered several turfs to make our lawn.


2. They considered this an invasion of their turf.


3. Mr.Brown bought some turfs to repair the lawn in his front yard.


4. turf是什么意思

4. The gardener was busy laying turf.


turf 网络解释

1. 地盘:社会生物学已然提出了地盘( turf)的概念;这个概念乃是人们所不意识的对thumos的指称,而我们现在则都用这一指称去标示对个人自己的界定. 但是,在人类中,一个人的地盘是其家庭、其党派、其国家、其原则. 社会生物学把人化约成了动物,


2. 泥炭:turbulent motion 湍动 | turf 泥炭 | turgite 水赤铁矿

3. 草地:tureen 有盖汤盘 | turf 草地 | turf-bound 长满草皮的

turf 双语例句

1. In order to increase germination ratio of the seeds, enhance stress-resistance of seedling, accelerate popularization of variety, improve quality of turf, this experiment adopted chitosan of different concentrations to deal with the Dichondra repens Forst. seeds and carried out the sprouting and planting test.


2. Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson on the Turf doing a nice safe on the second track where he backs out of a backwards roll.



3. The purpose of this paper was to find a more suitable nitrogen application system for the cool season turf in Beijing area by using the lysimeter method.


4. Since then, we can see the wind turf see cattle and sheep, horses running below the clouds that picture?


5. When the Gerbera test-tube plantlets are transplanted, the best medium is 3 turf: 2 vermiculite: 1 margarite for against bacteria and can get more plant from plantlets.


6. Graham, the effect of a strong, quick jerk on the turf of your hair.


7. The bitter defeat on your home turf and the joy of victory away has never felt this realistic.


8. Have you any horses on the turf?


9. Choireboy in the center, the Clown on the left and the Turf on the right.


10. Is the bitchman from Richmond|doing on our side of the turf?


11. I noticed Lo Fu, general secretary of the Politburo of the Central Committee, Lin Piao, Lin Po-chu (Lin Tsu-han), the commissioner of finance, Chairman Mao Tse-tung, and other officials and their wives scattered through the crowd, seated on the springy turf like the rest.


12. Dirk Kuyt believes Glen Johnson has added a new dimension to Liverpool's attack that could be key to a more free-scoring season on home turf.


13. That is what Dell has done by enabling customers to rate and review its products on its own Web site; by soliciting and organizing customers'solutions to problems; by blogging; and by reaching out and interacting with bloggers on their own turf, even dispatching technicians to solve their problems.


14. I'll have the ultimate surf and turf and a


15. turf是什么意思

15. From March in 2001 to March in the next year, the pathogen of the leaf spot disease on turf-grass was identified as Curvularia lunata Boed..

从2001年3月到2002年3月,在球场内对草坪上的叶斑病进行病原菌鉴定,确定其致病病原菌为新月弯孢Curvularia lunate Boed。

16. Are important grasses in forage production and turf establishment.


17. turf的解释

17. We are going to turf that part of the garden.



18. It will be good if that part of the garden were turf.


19. Position the turf at one side and then unroll the lawn to the preferred length and trim.


20. turf在线翻译

20. Vern says: We've beaten Barcelona in the Nou Camp and held Juve to a draw on their own turf.

Vern :我们曾在诺坎普击败巴萨,在都灵我们也带走过一分,如果碰上我们来状态的时候,那便是神挡杀神佛挡杀佛,口阿!

turf 词典解释turves is sometimes used as the plural for meaning 2. turves 有时用作义项 2 的复数。

1. 草皮

Turf is short, thick, even grass.

e.g. They shuffled slowly down the turf towards the cliff's edge.


2. (铺草坪用的)草皮块

A turf is a small rectangular piece of grass which you lay on the ground in order to make a lawn.

e.g. Lift the turfs carefully — they can be reused elsewhere.


3. (熟悉的)地区,地盘

Someone's turf is the area which is most familiar to them or where they feel most confident.

e.g. Their turf was Paris: its streets, theaters, homes, and parks...


e.g. On its home turf, the combined bank would be unrivalled.


相关词组:turf out

turf 单语例句

1. It offers soaring views of the bustling business hub, where construction cranes vie for visual turf with tourist attractions.

2. Much of the torch's route in coming days goes through predominantly Irish Catholic turf, home to IRA extremists still committed to overthrowing Northern Ireland by force.

3. After receiving treatment for several minutes while lying down on the turf, the Brazilian was carried off the field on a golf cart.

4. The city is home to the Juarez drug cartel, which is battling other gangs for trafficking and dealing turf.

5. Friedrich's low drive from 20 yards slid viciously over the sodden turf, catching Douglas unawares with his delayed dive only serving to parry.

6. As the Czech international slid across the greasy turf the Irish winger appeared to catch him with his trailing leg.

7. The central government should learn a lesson that clear demarcation of responsibility between different departments is necessary to avoid turf war.

8. Barack Obama lectured automakers on their home turf for investing in bigger, faster cars while dependency on oil is jeopardizing US security and the global environment.

9. Neighboring provinces are also working on a system to tackle discord on their home turf.

10. Such preparation is necessary not only for future diversification into overseas markets, but also for the more immediate challenge from foreign competition on mainland enterprises'home turf.

turf 英英释义


1. range of jurisdiction or influence

e.g. a bureaucracy...chiefly concerned with turf...and protecting the retirement system

2. the territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its own

3. surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots

Synonym: sodswardgreensward



1. cover (the ground) with a surface layer of grass or grass roots