

appropriate:[英 [əˈprəʊpriət] 美 [əˈproʊpriət] ]


过去式:appropriated;   过去分词:appropriated;   现在分词:appropriating;

appropriate 基本解释

形容词适当的; 合适的; 恰当的

动词盗用; 侵吞; 拨(专款等)


appropriate 相关词组


1. appropriate for : 拨出(款项、房屋等)供...之用(be), 适于, 合乎;


appropriate 相关例句


1. appropriate的近义词

1. She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.


2. Write in a style appropriate to your subject.




1. The city will appropriate funds for the new airport.



2. All this money was appropriated for the support of his widow.



3. Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the new school buildings.


appropriate 双语例句


1. Experiments are conducted on the effect of different types and different molecular structures of polymers on HPAM removal existed in solution or sewage. It is found out that only cationic polymer has a better removal effect of HPAM among the non-ion, amphoteric ion and hydrophobical cation polymers, especially the DMDAAC cationic polymer has an optimal result. The removal capacity to HPAM can be further improved by using appropriate molecular weight and cationic capacity and gas floatation technique.



2. I had also been asked to participate in the creation of this book by writing something appropriate to the moment.


3. appropriate什么意思

3. Using the appropriate ccx nosecap in existing countersinks


4. According to the machined material, the carbide blade is coated by adopting appropriate coating process and using advanced multi-arc ion coater DH-10 in china, and then check experiment of cutting is done, which verifies the operating life of coated carbide blade is greatly increased comparing with that of non-coated carbide blade.


5. So, if a reasonably constant total charge for an asset`s services is to be put to the profit and loss account, a declining depreciation charge may be appropriate.



6. Write them down in the appropriate box.


7. appropriate的近义词

7. Their tendency to oxidize can be avoid by an appropriate storage under inert gas (such N2) and a control of the peroxide index.


8. My dear, I do not love you, but I can not find an appropriate way to love you.


9. appropriate的翻译

9. You can speak to your doctor to see if this is an appropriate treatment for you.


10. I think it is an appropriate moment to do that.


11. It is important that you find an appropriate course for you.


12. appropriate

12. It is an appropriate strategy to pursue.


13. The alkaline method was used to extract millet protein, and its appropriate extracting conditions were alkaline c.


14. You need to be able to review the whole picture of your life and work at appropriate intervals and appropriate levels.


15. If engineering methods fail to reduce noise to acceptable levels, wear approved personal protective devices such as ear muffs or ear plugs appropriate for the situation.


16. These are effectively `out-ofband` components when appropriate measurement filters are used.

这些有效地是` out-ofband '组分当适当的测量过滤器被使用。

17. I am waiting for a woman, a appropriate one, the better half.


18. Thus, angular displacement of this solid shaft tilted the spider to give appropriate cyclic pitch control.


19. We will have it reviewed against the job requirements and will contact you for future action if appropriate.


20. appropriate的反义词

20. Taking into account of this problem, within the heating system Is most appropriate for the processing of materials and to offset the drop-mouth balance runner.


appropriate 词典解释The adjective is pronounced /ə'prəʊpriət/. The verb is pronounced /ə'prəʊprieɪt/. 形容词读作/ə'prəʊpriət/,动词读作/ə'prəʊprieɪt/。

1. 适当的;合适的;恰当的

Something that is appropriate is suitable or acceptable for a particular situation.


e.g. It is appropriate that Irish names dominate the list...


e.g. Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job...



Dress appropriately and ask intelligent questions...


It's entitled, appropriately enough, 'Art for the Nation'.


He wonders about the appropriateness of each move he makes.


2. 私占;侵吞;盗用;挪用

If someone appropriates something which does not belong to them, they take it, usually without the right to do so.

e.g. Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea...


e.g. The land was simply appropriated by the rulers.


3. 拨出(专款)

If a government or organization appropriates an amount of money for a particular purpose, it reserves it for that purpose.

e.g. Senator Lugar is skeptical that Congress will appropriate more funding for this purpose.


appropriate 单语例句

1. Make certain that executives understand the business opportunity as thoroughly as they understand the solution, and have the courage to pursue the opportunity when appropriate.

2. Gibbs said US President Barack Obama was " fully and appropriately " informed of the arrests, describing the act of law enforcement as appropriate.

3. Manufacturers or assemblers can address this issue by including appropriate protections in their sales contract.

4. Particularly appropriate to the setting are the freshly squeezed sugar cane juice, and fresh coconut milk.

5. The guidelines will help improve regional capacity for appropriate emergency management and response planning.

6. As and when our trend following system flashes new signals, we will promptly deploy the capital in appropriate assets.

7. The appropriate amount of exercise depends upon the stage in the pregnancy, as well as the mother's prior level of physical activity.

8. The heads of delegation of the six parties can authorize appropriate officials to carry out their responsibilities.

9. The problem was attributed to lack of water in Bandundu province that can be used to eliminate this cyanide from cassava within appropriate time.

10. It is a big wine and needs appropriate food, such as a casserole or steak.

appropriate的意思appropriate 英英释义


1. give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

e.g. I will earmark this money for your research

She sets aside time for meditation every day

Synonym: allowearmarkset asidereserve

2. take possession of by force, as after an invasion

e.g. the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants

The army seized the town

The militia captured the castle

Synonym: captureseizeconquer



1. suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc

e.g. a book not appropriate for children

a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity

it seems that an apology is appropriate