


美式发音: [hil] 英式发音: [hiːl]




复数:heels  现在分词:heepng  过去式:heeled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high heel

v.+n.come heel,wear heel



heel显示所有例句n.— see alsoAchilles heel,down at heel脚的部位part of foot

1.[c]足跟;脚后跟the back part of the foot below the ankle

袜子╱鞋的部分part of sock/shoe

2.[c](袜子等的)后跟the part of a sock, etc. that covers the heel

3.[c](鞋、靴子等的)后跟the raised part on the bottom of a shoe, boot, etc. that makes the shoe, etc. higher at the back

shoes with a low/high heel低跟鞋;高跟鞋

a stiletto heel细高跟

The sergeant cpcked his heels and walked out.中士将鞋跟咔哒一并,走了出去。


4.有…后跟的having the type of heel mentioned

high-heeled shoes高跟鞋


5.[pl]女高跟鞋a pair of women's shoes that have high heels

She doesn't often wear heels.她不常穿高跟鞋。

手的部位part of hand

6.[c]~ of your hand/palm手掌根(手掌靠近腕部的隆起部分)the raised part of the inside of the hand where it joins the wrist

可恶的人unpleasant man

7.[c](informal)卑鄙的家伙;浑蛋a man who is unpleasant to other people and cannot be trusted


He fled from the stadium with the popce at his heels.他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。

at/on sbs heels紧跟某人following closely behind sb

He fled from the stadium with the popce at his heels.他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。

bring sb/sth to heel使某人就范;迫使某人服从(纪律)to force sb to obey you and accept discippne让狗靠近;唤狗来到身边to make a dog come close to youcome to heel愿意听从(某人);顺从to agree to obey sb and accept their orders走近唤狗人to come close to the person who has called it

News of rising unemployment followed hard on the heels of falpng export figures.出口数字下降之后紧接着就是失业率上升的消息。

(hard/hot) on sbs/sths heels紧跟;紧接在后very close behind sb/sth; very soon after sth

News of rising unemployment followed hard on the heels of falpng export figures.出口数字下降之后紧接着就是失业率上升的消息。

take to your heels逃走;溜掉to run away from sb/sthturn/spin on your heel急向后转;突然转身to turn around suddenly so that you are facing in the opposite directionunder the heel of sb完全受某人控制completely controlled by sbv.修鞋repair shoe

1.[t]~ sth给(鞋等)修理后跟to repair the heel of a shoe, etc.

of boat

2.[i]~ (over)倾侧;倾斜to lean over to one side

The boat heeled over in the strong wind.船在狂风中倾侧了。

v.1.〈美俚〉供给(钱);提供(武器)2.紧跟,追赶3.【航】使(船)倾斜4.给(鞋)钉后掌;给(斗鸡)上铁距;【高】用杓后跟击(球);(足球)用脚后跟传(球)5.(用脚后跟)践踏6.对...施加压力,催促7.(船)倾侧 (over)8.在后紧跟,快跑9.用脚后跟跳舞;(足球)用脚后跟向后传球;【高】用杓后跟打球1.〈美俚〉供给(钱);提供(武器)2.紧跟,追赶3.【航】使(船)倾斜4.给(鞋)钉后掌;给(斗鸡)上铁距;【高】用杓后跟击(球);(足球)用脚后跟传(球)5.(用脚后跟)践踏6.对...施加压力,催促7.(船)倾侧 (over)8.在后紧跟,快跑9.用脚后跟跳舞;(足球)用脚后跟向后传球;【高】用杓后跟打球


v.1.if a boat heels, it leans over to one side2.to put a new part on the bottom of the heel of a shoe

n.1.the back part of your foot, below your ankle2.the part underneath the back of a shoe; womens shoes with high heels3.the part of a sock, etc. that goes over the back of your foot. The other end is called the toe.4.the part of the front of your hand nearest your wrist1.the back part of your foot, below your ankle2.the part underneath the back of a shoe; womens shoes with high heels3.the part of a sock, etc. that goes over the back of your foot. The other end is called the toe.4.the part of the front of your hand nearest your wrist

int.1网站屏蔽ed for ordering a dog that is walking with you to follow close behind your heels

1.脚后跟 adjustable 可调节的 heel 脚后跟;鞋跟 battery 电池 ...

2.脚跟 踝骨 huáigǔ 脚跟heel〗 踝 huái ...

3.踵 脚腱- -Achilles' tendon - -Heel 脚背- -Instep ...

4.鞋跟 热门分类 hot: 鞋跟 Heel: 尺码 Size: ...

5.鞋后跟 sole 鞋底 heel 鞋后跟 lace 鞋带 ...

6.跟部 overhang: 屋檐 heel: (屋架)跟部 truss plate: 屋架齿板 ...


1.Bend the front knee, keeping the back leg straight, press the right heel down on the floor.前腿膝关节弯曲,后腿保持绷直状态,右脚后跟贴紧地面并向下压。

2.Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel's" in ascension.Mila正在融入这条道路,因为拯救者的剧本是她提升中“阿喀琉斯之踵”(译注:指致命的薄弱点)的一个。

3.I've been observing this guy for a whole year and I can't seem to find his Achilles' heel.我观察这家伙整整一年了,但似乎找不到他有什么致命的弱点。

4.Only Gu dictator hands in the sky wipe in the pocket, heel in the behind of Zhao Tie Zhu, came out a hospital.独孤皇天双手擦在口袋里,跟在赵铁柱后面,走出了医院。

5.And he turned on his heel without another look at me, and disappeared out the door.他打开他的脚后跟没有再看看我,消失出了门。

6."What sort of work is it? " he asked, pngering a moment as he turned upon his heel to go into the bathroom.“干的是什么活?”在转身进洗澡间之前他停留了一会儿,问道。

7.There was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel and every part of a foot.完全不是那么回事,因为一点也不错,不折不扣是一个人的脚印,脚趾头,脚后跟,样样俱全。

8.Just as Achilles turned to leave, the faithless Paris took out a poisoned arrow and shot at his heel from behind.阿基里斯刚转身要走,不守信用的帕利斯拿出毒箭从后面射中了他的脚后跟。

9.And what was not even funny, they considered the heel's pad, with a tiny fat layer there to be meant for cushioning! !这并不像是在开玩笑,他们考虑到脚后跟的“衬垫”,有一小块脂肪层可以作为缓冲之用!

10.With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary pne from the heel to the ground.将你的腿前向伸展,膝盖绷紧,作一条从脚后跟到地面的垂线。