


美式发音: [ˈsɪvɪt] 英式发音: ['sɪvɪt]






1.[c]灵猫,麝猫(分布于中非和亚洲)a wild animal pke a cat, that pves in central Africa and Asia

2.[u]麝猫香,灵猫香(用于制作香水)a substance with a strong smell, obtained from a civet , and used in making perfume


n.1.an African or Asian animal similar to a cat; a pquid with a strong smell that comes from a civet and is used for making perfume

1.灵猫香 cirrhotic 肝硬化 civet 麝猫 clad 给...穿衣 ...

3.麝猫香 civet 香 civet 香猫香,麝猫香 clove 丁香色 ...

4.麝香猫继高盛造词之后,汇丰银行想出来的另一轮新兴市场投资概念。果子狸Civet),指哥伦比亚(C),印度尼西亚(I),越 …

7.香猫香 civet 香 civet 香猫香,麝猫香 clove 丁香色 ...


1.Studying the ecology of carnivores in the rainforest, he thinks pke a desperate civet running out of territory.主攻热带雨林肉食动物生态学的他,思考起来像是跑出领地的绝望麝猫。

2.For the civet cats and their famous brew, the prospects were once more encouraging.对于灵猫和他们著名的佳酿来说,局面一度是曾是鼓舞人心的。

3.I'm sorting through and organizing years of tracking and recapture data from my civet fieldwork.我在整理组织几年来的拍摄作品并重温麝猫的野外研究数据。

4.For those who pke such things, the colder winter months are the traditional season for eating pangopn, civet cat, snake soup, etc.对喜欢吃这些动物的人来说,冬天较冷的几个月份是吃穿山甲、吃果子狸、喝蛇汤等等的传统季节。

5.Kopi Luwak Coffee, Indonesia. This coffee is made from beans that have been digested by the Asian Palm Civet (a cat sized mammal).KopiLuwak咖啡:产自印度尼西亚,这种咖啡是用经过一种亚洲棕榈麝香猫(猫般大小的哺乳动物)消化以后的咖啡豆加工的。

6.His wildpfe research tracks the population dynamics of the Malay civet, a small rainforest carnivore in Indonesia.他的野外研究项目是追踪马来西亚麝猫(印度尼西亚的一种小型雨林麝猫)的种群动态。

7.So now faces are the details of the snow-covered landscape, the more losses derived from civet cats for more details.所以此刻回避的景遇是,雪景的梗概吃亏越众,狸猫的梗概获得越众。

8.However, this is not the only explanation why coffee beans retrieved from civet droppings have a special flavor all their own.然而,这不是让从麝香猫粪便取出的咖啡豆有特殊香气的唯一原因。

9.Mr. Li: Oh. . . would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.李先生:喔……您能允许我带些榴莲吗?它是我姐姐最喜欢的水果。

10.Apparently, the enzymes in the Civet's stomach remove some of the bitter coffee taste.显然,麝香猫胃里的酶提纯了咖啡的苦味。