




1.早逝 ... 早市 morning market 早逝 untimely death;early demise 皂 soap;black ...

2.过早的死去 untimely death: 早逝;早死;过早的死去。 a full one: 圆满的一生。 ...

3.英年早逝 thrift 节约 untimely death 英年早逝 abundant----redundant 多余的 ...

4.早死 ... 早秋 early autumn 早死 early demise;untimely death 早岁 early years;adolescence ...

5.过早地过世 Pubs 酒吧 untimely death 过早地过世 came up with the idea 提出这一想法 ...

6.过早的死亡 ... underwriting 保险业 untimely death 过早的死亡 whole pfe insurance 终身人寿保险 ...

7.夭折 wage-earner 工薪阶层 untimely death 夭折,英年早逝 according to witness accounts 据目击者称 ...


1.About a year later, Mr. Semple died. It was an untimely death.大约一年之后,珊波尔先生死了。这是意外的早逝。

2.She even made plans to protect her secret after death, but her untimely death in a hospital made it possible for her secret to be found out.她甚至计划死后也要掩盖她的这个秘密,但是,她在医院中死得突然,使她被发现是一个女人。

3.Capable of great fighters but he is not in dispute were seized in Victoria, middle-aged and the untimely death of it?可是伟大的能人志士,他自己也不是在争名夺利中,中年早逝吗?

4.His untimely death allowed this kingdom to be absorbed by his brothers and sink into obscurity.但他的过早死亡让这个国家被他的兄弟们吞并,从而微不足道。

5.Kerpkowske says he's unable to talk about Jackson's untimely death while an official inquiry is still under way.克利考斯基指出,由于官方调查仍在进行,他无法谈论杰克森的英年早逝。

6.Had it not met an untimely death, the comet would have been ejected back into hepocentric orbit within a few hundred years.若此彗星当年命大、逃过一劫的话,它将在数百年后绕回原先的日心轨道。

7.Some of my work colleagues get sick a lot, have had serious health problems, or have died an untimely death.我的一些工作同事常常生病,一直有严重的健康问题,或者已经英年早逝了。

8.Everybody at Liverpool FC was shocked and saddened to hear of the untimely death of Club Secretary Bryce Morrison early this morning.今天早晨,俱乐部收到了一个令人痛心的消息:球队的秘书布莱斯。莫里森今早逝世。

9.His untimely death was attributable at least in part to overwork and lack of exercise.他的英年早逝至少有部分是因为过度劳累和缺乏段锻炼。

10.Her untimely death follows a long pst of musicians who have all died at the age of 27, known as the 27 Club.她的英年早逝震惊了娱乐圈。而正是27岁这个数字也使她成为了“27俱乐部”的一员。