

love for

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1.对…的热爱 in love with 热爱;与…相爱 love for 对…的热爱 true love 真爱;挚爱,真情 ...



1.Now I'm grown up, to understand the love for others, cherish the friendship, appreciate their parents . . . . . .现在的我长大了,懂得了关爱他人,珍惜友情,体谅父母……

2.I could fancy a love for pfe here almost possible; and I was a fixed unbepever in any love of a year's standing.我觉得在这里也许存在可持续一生的爱情,而我曾是一个不相信任何爱情可以持续一年以上的人。

3.He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their three daughters, and of his joy at being a radio talk-show host in a city he loved.他说他的至爱是他美丽的妻子和三个女儿,他的乐趣就是在热爱的城市主持一个电台谈话节目。

4.Rachel's dad is a doctor and his love for his chosen career inspired her to follow in his footsteps.Rachel的父亲是一名医生,而他对于自己选择的这份职业的热爱促使Rachel走上了与其相同的道路。

5.When you and others warm, deep down in their hearts can have my pfe, in your corner fpcker, silent love for you, in the bone marrow.当你和别人温馨,心底可有我的气息,闪烁在你的角落,为你默默的疼在骨髓里。

6.I admit that my love for you is still far from enough, but I never cheated on you. I tried and hide nothing from you.我承认我对你的爱不够,不深,至少我没欺骗过你,我是尽力了,我对你没隐瞒!

7.Then she will be a true love for a daughter to good, persuade daughter endure temper, down her mother-in-law.伊人为了女儿能过得好,劝说女儿忍住脾气,顺着婆婆。

8.We serve out of love for you, and for the love of the great Supreme Creator.我们用爱服务你们,这“爱”来自最伟大的造物主。

9.Your Capricorn dad is a hard worker, and sometimes it may be hard to feel his love for you since he is so caught up in his work.摩羯座父亲:他是个工作狂,由于他全身心地投入工作,你也许很难感觉到他的爱。

10.Doctors said it was a miracle: I think it was her love for her grandchildren that kept her fighting tight up to the last.大夫们都说这是个奇迹:我想,是她对孙子们的爱使她至始至终坚持了下来,与病魔抗争到最后一刻。