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2.美脚 110122 日本节目 少女时代之美脚(Beautiful legs)_在线视频观看…


1.Passion : That funny feepng that drives a man to bite a girl's because she has beautiful legs.激情:一种有趣的感情,它促使一个男人去咬一个女人的脖子。原因是她的煺很美。

2.You still have your beautiful legs, and your eyes seem even bigger and brighter without the hair.你还有美腿,没有了头发你的双眼越发的明亮了。

3.She is famous for her beautiful legs.她以她的美腿出名。

4.playing foot machine, is the most effective method of the beautiful legs.玩脚踏机,是最有效修靓双腿的方法。

5.Can you still refuse her as the girl in nice sweater and pft her beautiful legs?当那个穿着好看毛衣的女孩抬起秀美的双腿,你还能拒绝她吗?

6.Chinese vs foreign stars: Who has most beautiful legs?中国明星VS外国明星:谁拥有最漂亮的美腿?

7.You've got two beautiful legs!你的两条腿很漂亮!

8.You have two beautiful legs!你的两条腿好漂亮!

9.But be opposite for the person with those not beautiful legs, wear shoe of a pair of long canisters , match a handsome boots pants;可是对那些腿并不美的人来说呢,穿一双长筒靴,配一条帅气的靴裤;