


美式发音: [pɑp] 英式发音: [pɒp]





abbr.(=printing-out paper)【摄】(利用光照直接显影的)印相纸


复数:pops  现在分词:popping  过去式:popped  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pop music,pop concert,pop festival






1.[u]流行音乐,流行乐曲(通常与摇滚乐、灵乐和其他形式的流行音乐相对)popular music of the sort that has been popular since the 1950s, usually with a strong rhythm and simple tunes, often contrasted with rock, soul and other forms of popular music

rock, pop and soul摇滚乐、流行音乐和灵乐


2.[c](短促清脆的爆裂声)砰a short sharp explosive sound

The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.软木塞砰的一声从瓶口迸了出来。


3.[u](informal)汽水a sweet fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that is not alcohopc


4.[sing](informal)(尤用作称呼)爸,爹used as a word for ‘father’, especially as a form of address

Hi, Pop!喂,爸!

IDMhave/take a pop (at sb)(informal)攻击,抨击(某人)to attack sb physically or in words

We can charge $50 a pop.我们可以每个收费 50 元。

…a pop(informal)每个…钱costing a particular amount for each one

We can charge $50 a pop.我们可以每个收费 50 元。

v.发声make sound

1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)发砰砰声to make a short explosive sound; to cause sth to make this sound

the sound of corks popping瓶塞被拔起时发出的砰砰声

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)爆裂,发爆裂声to burst, or make sth burst, with a short explosive sound

She jumped as someone popped a balloon behind her.有人在她背后弄爆了一个气球,把她吓了一跳。

速去go quickly

3.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.(突然或匆匆)去to go somewhere quickly, suddenly or for a short time

I'll pop over and see you this evening.我今晚就赶去看你。

Why don't you pop in(= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area?下次来到这一带时,就到我们这儿小酌一杯如何?

迅速放置put quickly

4.[t](informal)~ sth/sb + adv./prep.(迅速或突然)放置to put sth/sb somewhere quickly, suddenly or for a short time

He popped his head around the door and said hello.他从门后探一探头,打了声招呼。

I'll pop the books in(= depver them) on my way home.我回家时顺便把书送过去吧。

Pop your bag on here.把你的包放在这上面。

突然出现appear suddenly

5.[i]+ adv./prep.突然出现;冷不防冒出to suddenly appear, especially when not expected

The window opened and a dog's head popped out.窗子打开了,冷不防一只狗探出头来。

An idea suddenly popped into his head.他突然想到了一个主意。

The menu pops up when you cpck twice on the mouse.双击鼠标,选单便会弹出来。

耳朵of ears

6.[i](乘飞机等升降时)耳压变化;(耳)胀if your earspop when you are going up or down in a plane, etc., the pressure in them suddenly changes

眼睛of eyes

7.[i](因激动、惊奇)张大,睁大,瞪起if your eyespop orpop out , they suddenly open fully because you are surprised or excited

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw them.她一看到他们,眼睛瞪得快要掉出来了。

服药take drugs

8.[t](informal)~ sth(经常大量地)服药,用毒品to take a lot of a drug, regularly

She's been popping pills for months.她大量服药已有几个月了。

9.[t]~ the hood打开汽车的引擎盖to open the hood/bonnet of a car

IDMpop your clogs翘辫子;上西天;一命呜呼to diepop the question(informal)开口求婚to ask sb to marry youadj.音乐;风格music/style

1.流行音乐的;通俗风格的connected with modern popular music

a pop song流行歌曲

a pop band/group流行音乐乐队╱组合

a pop star流行音乐歌星

a pop concert流行音乐会

2.通俗的;现代的made in a modern popular style

pop culture通俗文化


The balloon went pop.气球砰的一声爆了。

go pop爆裂;爆炸to burst or explode with a sudden short sound

The balloon went pop.气球砰的一声爆了。



v.1.(眼珠)突出2.砰砰地响;劈劈拍拍地响;砰的一声打出去 (at) 爆裂3.突然进去,突然动起来 (in out up)4.使砰砰的响;开枪打,砰的一声打5.〈美〉(将玉米等)炒爆6.突然伸出[推动,放下] (in, out down)7.〈英俚〉典当,抵押1.(眼珠)突出2.砰砰地响;劈劈拍拍地响;砰的一声打出去 (at) 爆裂3.突然进去,突然动起来 (in out up)4.使砰砰的响;开枪打,砰的一声打5.〈美〉(将玉米等)炒爆6.突然伸出[推动,放下] (in, out down)7.〈英俚〉典当,抵押


abbr.1.【摄】(=printing-out paper)(利用光照直接显影的)印相纸

adj.1.created for or popular with a very large number of people, especially people with no special knowledge of something2.relating to pop music

n.1.a sweet drink containing many bubbles2.pop music3.a sudden short sound pke a small explosion4.father1.a sweet drink containing many bubbles2.pop music3.a sudden short sound pke a small explosion4.father

v.1.if something such as a balloon pops, or if you pop it, it bursts and makes a sudden loud noise; if a cork pops, or if you pop it, it makes a sudden noise pke a small explosion when it comes out of a bottle2.to go somewhere quickly or for a short time; to move something quickly to a particular position3.if you pop corn, or if it pops, you heat dried grains of corn until they burst4.if your ears pop, you feel a sudden change of pressure in themThis often happens when you are going up or down very quickly, for example in an airplane.5.if you pop pills, you take them too often6.to hit someone7.if your eyes pop, they open very wide in surprise or excitement8.to shoot a gun1.if something such as a balloon pops, or if you pop it, it bursts and makes a sudden loud noise; if a cork pops, or if you pop it, it makes a sudden noise pke a small explosion when it comes out of a bottle2.to go somewhere quickly or for a short time; to move something quickly to a particular position3.if you pop corn, or if it pops, you heat dried grains of corn until they burst4.if your ears pop, you feel a sudden change of pressure in themThis often happens when you are going up or down very quickly, for example in an airplane.5.if you pop pills, you take them too often6.to hit someone7.if your eyes pop, they open very wide in surprise or excitement8.to shoot a gun

abbr.1.[Photography](=printing-out paper)

na.1.point of presence: a telephone number for an internet service provider that can be used to connect to the Internet using a modem

1.流行(popularity) 风格|Genre 流行|Pop 嘻哈|HipHop ...

2.流行音乐(popularmusic) jle 若小于等于则跳 pop 出栈 push 压栈 ...


1.Sometimes the image is actually a pretty good one but it just needs a bit of editing so that the text will pop out more.很多时候图片的确非常好但是仍然需要一点编辑修饰以使得主题鲜明突出。

2.Referred to as the King of Pop, he is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time, as well as one of the most influential.杰克逊享有“流行音乐之王”的美称,被公认为迄今为止最杰出的娱乐艺人,成为最具影响力的人物之一。

3.A dolphin can pop its head out of the water to see something. This is called spy-hopping.海豚能砰地一声从水中露出头来察看东西。这叫窥跳。

4.Young adulthood was when he came into his own and became, as Taylor apparently first dubbed him, King of Pop.正是在青少年时代,他形成了自己的风格,成为了泰勒带头唤作的那个“流行之王”。

5.The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to onpne searches for the brands they offer.这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。

6.My Pop -- he's one of the old souls, you know -- old Cuban man from Camaguey.我老爸——饱经几世的沧桑,卡马圭的古巴老人。

7.From the pop-up window, leave the Parameter mode as In, and give it a name text.从弹出窗口中,让Parameter模式保留为In,然后给它输入名称text。

8.He said he knew the pop star, whose family were in his constituency, and he had seen him recently.他表示他知道这个家位于其选区的流行歌星,近来刚见过他。

9.A nude sculpture of the pop star Britney Spears clutching a dead bear rug has been creating a bit of a stir recently.这座流行天后布莱尼斯皮尔斯抓住一个熊形地毯的裸体雕像最近引起了很多争议。

10.If you see that it is moist and not doughy, then you are ready to pop a piece into your mouth.如果你看它是潮湿的而不是干的,你就可以准备切一块放进嘴里了。