




1.福尔柯克 7 North Lanarkshire( 北拉纳克郡) 8 Falkirk弗尔柯克) 9 West Lothian( 西洛锡安) ...

4.福尔柯克酒店 东密德兰机场酒店 East Midlands Airport 福尔柯克酒店 Falkirk 法尔茅斯酒店 Falmouth ...

5.福克尔克罗斯班克源于福克尔克Falkirk)的一家酒厂,酒厂的麦芽威士忌魅力十足,芬芳,丝丝白果味和花香。罗斯班克的威士忌, …


1.The "Falkirk Triangle" now registers more UFO sightings, around 300 a year, than any other spot on Earth.如今,在“福尔柯克三角区”被记载的UFO目击事件数量多达每年300起,超过了地球上任何一个地方。

2.Flynn joined the Reds back in 2007 from Falkirk but is yet to break into first-team.弗林在2007年从福尔柯克转会而来,但至今仍未代表一线队上场。

3.Scottish Power, National Grid and Shell UK want to use an existing natural gas pne - running from Falkirk to Peterhead - for the project.苏格兰电力、英国国家电力供应公司和壳牌公司计划在工程中使用一个已有的从福尔柯克(Falkirk)到彼得黑德(Peterhead)的天然气管道。

4.Liverpool today confirmed the sale of midfielder Ryan Flynn to Scottish Premier League side Falkirk.今天利物浦已经证实把中场弗莱恩出售给苏格兰联赛球队法克尔克。

5.The 20-year-old, who started out at Falkirk before joining the Academy, returns to Scotland in a bid to gain first-team experience.在加盟青年军之前,20岁小将开始在法尔科克成长,他这次回到英格兰希望在一队得到更多上场的经验。

6.Flynn is highly regarded at Anfield and the club's coaching staff hope the loan spell at Falkirk will help his development for the future.弗莱恩得到安菲尔德高度重视,俱乐部教练希望租借法尔科克能够对他未来职业生涯有所帮助。

7.In July 1298, two great warriors, the King of England and the bravest of Scotland's sons, faced each other on a field by Falkirk.在1298年七月,两位伟大的战士,英格兰之王和最勇敢的苏格兰之子弟们,交战于福尔柯克。

8.Reserves midfielder Ryan Flynn is to spend the 2009-10 season on loan at Scottish Premier League side Falkirk.预备队中场弗莱恩将会以租借的形式加盟苏格兰的法尔科克度过他的2009-10赛季。

9.Flynn began his career with Falkirk before being lured to the Premier League side in 2005.弗莱恩在法克尔克开始自己的职业生涯,最终2005年被招揽到英超联赛。

10.he'd have done it at Falkirk.他在福柯克就下手了。