

eager:[英 [ˈi:gə(r)] 美 [ˈiɡɚ] ]


eager 基本解释

形容词急切; 渴望的; 热心的; 热切的,热情洋溢的

eager 同义词




eager 反义词



eager 相关词组


1. be eager to do : 渴望(做)...;


eager 相关例句


1. He looked around the circle of eager faces.


2. The boy was eager for success.


3. Maggie was eager to visit me.


4. I am eager to do it.


5. eager

5. She is eager for success.


eager 网络解释

1. 渴望:』*同族关系(Affinity):渴望(Eager)*刻印(Imprint):杀戮(Murderous)冰封破坏者(Ice breaker)特殊规则*协调攻击(Coordinated Strike):当沃卡夫在场上时,在此单位内的模型,得到协调攻击.

2. eager

2. 渴望的,热切的:each 每人,每个,每件 | eager 渴望的,热切的 | eagle 鹰 ear 耳朵;耳状物;听力,听觉

3. 热心的:hopeful#怀希望的 | eager#热心的 | desirous#渴望的

eager 双语例句

1. He took the eager card, glanced, not saw, laid down unglanced, looked, asked, creaked, asked


2. Z; i$ z o8 n y B The assistant was eager to serve her this time.

O,A j8 H H8 p 那个售货员这回接待她的态度非常殷勤。

3. It does no look good for you to be eager to leave.



4. After he heard Yi Hong`s suggestion, he of course was eager to contribute.


5. He always was eager for win but lack a kind of firm belief.


6. And when Prince Andrey―not with the disdainful face and manners with which he walked into drawing-rooms, but with the eager face with which he had talked to Pierre―went in to his father's room, the old gentleman was in his dressing-room sitting in a roomy morocco chair in a peignoir, with his head in the hands of Tihon.


7. He was eager, but did not gush.


8. eager什么意思

8. I was eager to attend the seminar, for I knew that the exchange of ideas would be helpful.


9. He was dressed in a freshly starched Army uniform and was eager to grab a good seat.


10. eager的解释

10. However, foreigne people are sometimes eager to show themselves because in their opinions, if they have any talent, it deserves being known to others.


11. And I am just a bird trapped in the cage, eager to fly to the vast sky.


12. eager的意思

12. Thus, hearing books on tape can only make students more eager to read and to learn.



13. He was eager to catch rainbow, grasp it, because he thought the rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth, he was hoping to be able to enter the scenery of clouds steamed-xia Wei, as the ancient titles and captured wits Buchan.


14. eager的近义词

14. Kelley mewled, understanding its intention, hearing it give its orders to Riley like the eager growl of predators closing in on a dying animal.


15. I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help. Your niece


16. In the substitute the period, she vaguely Ganwudao the Pan why they decided to give up love choices, Ganwudao his mother Lius why the choice of teaching here 30 years, but also want the teacher to understand the children, eager to knowledge the desire, ultimately, she chose to become a rural female teachers.


17. There always are people who eager to know about you and your business more than they are supposed to.


18. We're anxious and eager to do that.


19. Made me eager to see you again.


20. Once again pairing white vixens up with some of the most respected ebony performers in the game, the director is only too eager to lavish praise upon his comely covergirl, MACKENZEE PIERCE.

再次配对白vixens了一些最受尊重的乌木表演在这场比赛中,导演只是太急于将豪华的赞美他漂亮covergirl ,MACKENZEE皮尔斯。

eager 词典解释

1. 热切的;渴望的

If you are eager to do or have something, you want to do or have it very much.

e.g. Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army...


e.g. When my own son was five years old, I became eager for another baby...



...an eagerness to learn.


2. (看起来或听上去)急切的,期盼的

If you look or sound eager, you look or sound as if you expect something interesting or enjoyable to happen.

e.g. Arty sneered at the crowd of eager faces around him...


e.g. Her voice was girlish and eager.



'So what do you think will happen?' he asked eagerly.


...a woman speaking with breathless eagerness.

说话急切、上气不接下气的女人eager 单语例句eager

1. Huang said China's Internet companies usually lack a solid profit pattern and they are too eager to expand their business scope.

2. And I once had three grinning young Russian army officers show up at my door in Beijing eager to kick my butt.

3. So eager fans will not have to miss a day off school or work to buy the new book.

4. Many families once content to buy now and pay later are eager to trim their reliance on credit cards.

5. Austrians eager to buy it showed up early Friday, but there were no long lines.

6. Eager car buyers who miss out in Beijing's highly competitive license lottery are now turning to court auctions to fight over seized vehicles.

7. The company has produced three different kinds of wine over three years, bringing more diverse choices to eager buyers.

8. This grand old man was eager to have a look at it by himself.

9. Eager to make headway in the Chinese market, the coffee industry is rising to the call.

10. Bush able to concentrate his energy on the general election, with Kerry eager to do the same and Edwards struggling to sustain his own candidacy.

eager 英英释义


1. a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary)

Synonym: tidal boreboreeagreaegir


1. having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy

e.g. eager to learn

eager to travel abroad

eager for success

eager helpers

an eager look