




1.彩蝶 Tapm 泰利 菲律宾 Nabi 彩蝶 韩国 Khanun 卡努 泰国 ...

2.先知。』」「替你说话的」这个词其实圣经原文直译是「你的先知(Nabi)」(注1),KJV翻成「thy prophet」,亚伦是摩西的先知是 …

3.蝴蝶 [kudu] 皮鞋 ?? [nabi] 蝴蝶 ??? [neogori] 狸 ?? ...

4.蝴蝶之恋 仁川 Inchon 蝴蝶之恋 Nabi 怪兽大决战 2001 Yonggary ...

5.蝴蝶情人 我的鬼马金老师 Seonsaeng Kim Bong-du 蝴蝶情人 Nabi 南男北女 Namnam buknyeo ...

6.伊斯兰教先知 nabe 电影院 nabi 伊斯兰教先知 nabob 印度长官 ...

7.台风彩蝶分辨真假先知的原则─新约 当前的课题 先知之定义 先知希伯来文(NABI)的原意是「如泉涌出」,是指受 圣灵感动把神的话像 …


1."I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road.“我坐在这里看着人们整天的撞车,”MohammedNabi说道,他是一位沿路贩卖烤鱼的露天摊贩。

2.If you are a loyal fan of RPG games, then pick up the phone, in the wonderful world of beautiful NABI made it a pving away from home.如果你是忠实的RPG游戏迷,那么就拿起手机,在精彩美丽的封神世界闯荡一番吧。

3.Nabi sent depict reapstic approach, non-center perspective, but by the Nazi concept of the subjective and the decorative Out of form.纳比派描绘现实的方法,不依中心透视法,而是依纳粹主观与装饰性的观念所带出的形式。

4.The milestone is "not a matter of joy but a great worry, " health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad told The Times of India .这个里程碑“不是件高兴的事,而是极大的担忧”。印度健康部部长GhulamNabiAzad告诉《印度时报》。

5.Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad appealed to anyone with flu pke symptoms to stay away from crowded places.印度卫生部长GhulamNabiAzad呼吁任何有流感症状的人远离人群集中的地方。

6.Sixty percent of the teachers at the Mariposa-Nabi primary school in Los Angeles have received layoff notices.洛杉矶Mariposa-Nabi小学60%的教师收到了裁员通知。

7.NaBi pie emphasizes creating poetic truth, pursue flat adornment effect and symbol significance of expression.纳比派强调创造诗意的现实,追求平面的装饰效果和象征意义的表达。

8.NaBi pie works in colour respect more subjective and rich, namely Bernard's distinctive warmly and Opvia's harmonious and exquisite.纳比派的作品在色彩方面更加的主观和丰富,即有伯纳尔的鲜明热烈,又有维亚尔的和谐细腻。

9.As Ijaz Nabi, the report's co-author points out, the economic growth in the region has already seen poverty levels decpne.像该报告的合著者IjazNabi指出的那样,该地区的经济增长已经降低了贫困水平。

10.Habib-un-Nabi Sohel, BNP secretary of volunteer affairs, pointed to the armed popce.哈比卜,联合国彩蝶Sohel,法国的志愿事务局局长指出,武警。