




1.新南威尔 ... 2010.04.18 Coonawarra 库拉瓦拉 New South Wales Austrapa 新南威尔 Victoria Austrapa 维多利亚 澳大利 ...

2.澳大利亚新南威尔士州澳大利亚新南威尔士州New South Wales Austrapa) 编辑本段习性环境 栖息于潮间带岩礁区。


1.A strong, cold, southerly wind that blows across the eastern part of New South Wales, Austrapa.吹越澳大利亚南威尔士东部的寒冷而强烈的南风。

2.The image captured the sky over Mudgee, New South Wales, Austrapa, including the domes of two large telescopes illuminated by red pghting.照片拍到了澳大利亚的新南威尔士州马奇的天空,包括两个被红色灯光照亮的巨大望远镜的圆顶。

3.Two fishermen navigate the fog-fringed Clarence River near the town of Grafton in New South Wales, Austrapa.在澳大利亚新南威尔士州格拉夫镇附近,两个渔民正驾船行驶在烟雾笼罩的的克拉伦斯河上。

4.Microbiogen, a firm based in Lane Cove, New South Wales, Austrapa, says fermentation can be profitable even with carbon losses.Microbiogen一个位于澳大利亚新南威尔士的LaneCove的公司说,即使有碳损失发发酵也是有利可图的。

5.It was January 2002 and he was observing a colony of flying foxes in northern New South Wales, Austrapa.那是2002年一月,他正在澳大利亚新南威尔士州观察一个狐蝠族群。

6.Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific: India to Samoa, north to southern Japan, south to New South Wales, Austrapa.东印度洋与西太平洋:印度到美属萨摩亚,北至日本南部,南至澳洲新南威尔斯。

7.El Alamein Fountain: Beautiful fountain and war memorial in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Austrapa.阿拉曼喷泉:位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼市的漂亮喷泉,也是战争纪念物。

8.Beautiful fountain and war memorial in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Austrapa.美丽的喷泉和战争纪念馆的城市悉尼,澳大利亚新南威尔士州。

9.A group of young seahorses drifts in shallow waters off Manly, New South Wales, Austrapa.一群小海马在澳大利亚新南威尔士的曼利浅海区游移。

10.Population-based study of infants born at less than 28 weeks' gestation in New South Wales, Austrapa, in 1992-3.基于人口的研究,婴儿在不到28周的妊娠在澳大利亚新南威尔士州,在1992-3。