

sarcasm:[英 [ˈsɑ:kæzəm] 美 [ˈsɑ:rkæzəm] ]



sarcasm 基本解释


名词讥讽; 讽刺话

sarcasm 相关例句


1. This is no time to indulge in sarcasm.


sarcasm 网络解释

1. 讽刺:即将人的特征赋予给动、植物或其它事物;(3)夸张(exaggeration),夸大事物的某些构成部分:(4)双关(pun),改变语言的使用情境或某些元素使其产生新的语意;(5)讽刺(sarcasm),运用夸大其词或说反话的方式对刺激所作出的反应;


2. 挖苦:讽刺与挖苦(sarcasm)大部分情况下都是互通的,因为讽刺包含挖苦的成分;但挖苦的语气较重、较刻薄,常用来伤害别人,是剌人的批评. 讽刺则是比较巧妙地嘲笑别人. 13

3. 挖苦,讽刺:一般来说,戏弄取笑(joking)、挖苦讽刺(sarcasm)和讥讽嘲笑(ridicule)是敌对的外在有形记号. 这一类型角色的人伊开口就滔滔不绝地(incessantly)谈论几乎是与团体目标毫无关系的(tangential)经验、思想和讯息.

4. sarcasm是什么意思

4. 讽刺,轻蔑:sapience贤明n | sarcasm讽刺,轻蔑n | sarcastic讽刺的a

sarcasm 双语例句

1. O Humor is a kind of language which is full of understatement and wisdom, sarcasm and jocularity, revealing the unreasonable in life.


2. It seems as though an unfortunate woman were utterly bare beneath the sarcasm and the curiosity of all in small towns.


3. sarcasm在线翻译

3. He said, of course it was a great insult, and I told him there was Queen Mary on a calendar in the scullery, no doubt because Her Majesty formed part of my harem. But he didn't appreciate the sarcasm.


4. Feeling aggrieved for their being relegated, having wrath and sarcasm to the powerful men or small men who put them into the hard situation, experiencing painfully the poor living condition in the remote and desolate areas, being afraid that they might suffer more slanders after being expelled out of the imperial court, worrying about their own future, missing deeply the nation land, native place and old friends and exploring or trying in every possible way, consciously or unconsciously, All these emotional experience and expression formed the emotion subject of the relegated's daily life.


5. Feeling aggrieved for their being relegated, having wrath and sarcasm to the powerful men or small men who put them into the hard situation, experiencing painfully the poor living condition in the remote and desolate areas, being afraid that they might suffer more slanders after being expelled out of the imperial court, worrying about their own future, missing deeply the nation land, native place and old friends and exploring or trying in every possible way, consciously or unconsciously, All these emotional experience and expression formed the emotion subject of the relegateds daily life.


6. His stubborness, his sarcasm, his frustration, his disappointment, his rage, and his fear.


7. At the same time, the thin straight lines of the setting of the eyes, and the thin straight lips, and the markings in the nose, curved with a sarcasm that looked handsomely diabolic.


8. She was not inclined to sarcasm and to impulsive sallies, as Mary was.


9. The Naturalist philosophers, who were the forerunners of modern unbelief; the English Deists (Toland, Collins, Woolston, Tindal, Morgan the German Rationalists; the French Encyclopedists strove by every means, not forgetting abuse and sarcasm, to prove how absurd it was to claim a Divine origin for a book in which all the blemishes and errors of human writings are to be found.

自然主义哲学家,谁是现代不信教的先驱(霍布斯,斯宾诺莎,沃尔夫);英语Deists (托兰德,柯林斯,伍斯顿,廷德尔,摩根);德国的理性主义;法国Encyclopedists竭力利用一切手段,也不要忘记虐待和嘲讽,证明这是多麼可笑要求神源的一本书,使所有的瑕疵和错误的人的作品将被发现。

10. His ingenious use of exaggeration, contrast, tease, irony both strengthened the satirical intensity and created the artistic effect. Which expressed the subtlety tactfully and finely, thus it can let the readers fully experience the enchantment of sarcasm.


11. sarcasm的解释

11. Austen's works have real delicate psychological characterizations tight plot and fluent style of comedy, humor, sarcasm, She has created a series of life-size image of the arts and a strong sense of artistic charm.


12. sarcasm的翻译

12. I'm used to his sarcasm.


13. Imagination, sarcasm, exaggerate animated cartoon formation, abjunction without end, ways like deformation, but the animated cartoon is hit by marriage partner shown by absurd art, be that reality and imagination are hit by extremely rare different state object, absurd animated cartoon creation is the new, strange, different, strange imagination and thought to constant state object as a result.


14. It is but the total impression that the reader gets of the, quality of the writer's mind, his depth or superficiality, his insight or lack of insight and other qualities like wit, humor, biting sarcasm, genial understanding, tenderness, delicacy of understanding, kindly cynicism or cynical kindliness, hard-headedness, practical common sense, and general attitude toward things.


15. sarcasm

15. I read this novel several years ago, although the period he described is so strange to me, I still like his sharp and incisive languages used in his novel revealed it's style of sarcasm and humorousness.


16. A few months of this and I'd forget how to use sarcasm.


17. Those who once again in the school boring and sarcasm, only when, unexpectedly became unable to turn the good and evil hostile.


18. The Psalmist does not hold back in his derision of the futility of idol worship, nearly to the point of sarcasm.


19. To a certain extent, I think Jiang Heng's women with flirtatious looks is a repetitive statement of sarcasm, it conveys information contrasting with its superficial appearance, or even of opposing and conflicting content.


20. I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I'll do it.


sarcasm 词典解释

1. 讽刺;嘲笑;挖苦

Sarcasm is speech or writing which actually means the opposite of what it seems to say. Sarcasm is usually intended to mock or insult someone.

e.g. 'What a pity,' Graham said with a hint of sarcasm...


e.g. His voice was heavy with sarcasm...


sarcasm 单语例句

1. The tone of his poems written after the demotion thus turned from that of sarcasm to that of slight melancholy.

2. But strangely, the exaggeration they display often imbues their words with a palpable overtone of sarcasm.

3. In a sense, they occupy the middle ground between the real thing and sarcasm.

4. Behind this sarcasm however, there's a grain of truth to this point.

5. This showed that his online experience was raw, and made him the object of sarcasm and " lectures " from other netizens.

6. Complaints, doubts and sarcasm about the event dominated major online forums on Wednesday and Thursday.

7. From the bottom of my heart all I want to do is unleash a barrage of sarcasm.

8. While it's generally believed that American sarcasm doesn't really work for Chinese audiences, this didn't seem to be a problem.