

modulate:[英 [ˈmɒdjuleɪt] 美 [ˈmɑ:dʒəleɪt] ]


过去式:modulated;   过去分词:modulated;   现在分词:modulating;

modulate 基本解释

动词调节; 调制; 调整; 变调

modulate 网络解释

1. 调节:用Kim的话[29]来说,适应的情绪调节不是控制、排除(eliminate),而是调节(modulate)情绪体验,他试着提出了自己的情绪调节结构:(1)对情绪的意识和理解. (2)对情绪的接受. (3)控制冲动行为以及按照既定目标行为的能力.

2. 調變:例如可以利用经微细加工制作的列阵档板(shutter array)将多束电子源同时引导至相同的柱列(column)方向上,此列阵档板可以各自进行调变(modulate). 多重电子束也可以藉由利用各自独立调变的发光二极体(photodiode)的阴电性发光阴极管(negative-affinity photocathode)所产生.

modulate 双语例句

1. It is necessary to take effective measures to modulate this kind of structure.


2. ABSTRACT Today more and more data have proven the close interaction between neuroendorine and immune system neuroendorine modulate immune system by neurofibril transmitting message and neural peptide and hormone etc.


3. Glycosides and BioActive Endosperm extracted from the tissue within the seed of a flowering plant into cell endosymbiosis with intramolecular force and rearrangement to sustain dynamic balancing of Baroreceptor Reflexes integrating center in the brainstem medulla oblongata to act as arterial, carotid and cardiopulmonary pressure regulator to modulate age-associated Sympathetic Nerve overactivity to inhibit heartbeat accelerating and maintain Renin as angiotensin system for vasomotor tone to prevent from Encephalitis, Brain Tumor, eurological Hypertension, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease.

这就像是一个创造奇迹的神经生物学家,从开花植物种子组织内部细胞提取的天然多肚蛋白糖贰和生物活性胚乳,藉由分子内力和重排而形成细胞内共生,在脑脊髓B rainstem Medulla oblongata里,以维持压力感受器反射整合中心的动态平衡,作为动脉,颈动脉及心肺压力[电压]调节器,调节与年龄老化相关的交感神经过度活跃,去抑制心跳加快,和维持作为血管紧张素系统和血管运动性语调的肾素,以防止从脑炎,脑肿瘤,神经性高血压,心血管和脑血管病。


4. This study is aimed to address the question whether the early discharges can affect thesilent period and modulate the late discharges and to investigate the possiblerole of dysfunction of primary myelinated afferents in generation of chronicpain. In addition, we also investigate the effect of the precedingA-conditioning stimuli with graded numbers on the late discharges of WDRneurons evoked by a following nociceptive test stimulus that activates bothA- and C-fibers.


5. Ecosystems modulate the heat by reduction of the monthly STDEV to result instability of heat environment.


6. modulate的意思

6. It is concluded that Ea stimulation at Li 4 can simultaneously modulate dual physiological response in blood vessels and esophageal body via different somato-autonomic reflex pathways.


7. So, it will enhance the accuracy and the quality of the samples because that a photo electricity-coder is used to measure the speed of rotation, PID algorithm and PWM are introduced to modulate the speed of the motor instantly.



8. Experiments showed that APP has wilderness physiological function, can accelerate diet, promote growth, modulate gastrointestinal movement and affect incretionary physiological function, conservancy the integrity of hepatic cell membrane and cytolergy.


9. Recent studies suggest that ITP is related to the abnormal activation and apoptosis of T/B cells which lead to failure of immune tolerance. Now it is becoming clear that costimulatory signals are required for full T/B cell activation and assumed to modulate T/B cells responses as well as other aspects of the immune system.


10. modulate的意思

10. The result indicates that both the atomic motion and the field mode structure can modulate the fidelities of quantum states in the system of interaction.


11. The Modulate Velocity Over Time compound changes the particle velocity over its lifetime using a profile curve.

调整整个时间内的速度Modulate Velocity Over Time复合节点可以使用一条轮廓曲线来调整在整个生命周期中粒子的发射速度。

12. The Modulate Velocity Over Time compound changes the particle speed over its lifetime using a profile curve.

Modulate Velocity Over Time在整个模拟期间调整速度这个复合节点可以使用一个轮廓曲线在整个粒子生命周期中修改调整粒子的速度。

13. modulate什么意思

13. SFI can modulate the balance of ET and No, and has favorable treatment effect on patients with SAP.


14. From these data we conclude that thalidomide is able to modulate the Th1/Th2 balance and may have the potential value to treat viral hepatitis.


15. Notch signaling pathway is a main pathway through cell-cell interactions, which regulates the programmed cell death, cellular proliferation and differentiation in multiple cell systems, and also is an important signaling pathway to modulate the balance between proliferation and differentiation in hematopoietic environment, and is related with the incidence of multiple hematologic malignancies.


16. Increasingly it is being recognized that the combine administration of selective ligands (one-target drugs) and designed multiple ligands can modulate a balance of several targets and provide a superior therapeutic effect and side effect profile compared with the action of...


17. modulate什么意思

17. The direct proof that hepcidin can modulate iron balance of the body was resulted from the observation of the mice whose hepcidin gene were knocked out and overexpressed.


18. modulate

18. Scoparone may modulate the balance between IL-4 and INF-γ to inhibit the abnormal synthesis of IgE in asthmatic guinea pigs.


19. Results show that both Taiji and basketball can have effective stimulus to skeletal muscles, decrease the loss of bone minerals, keep the bone density stable, and modulate the dynamic balance between bone calciumand and serum calcium.


20. The fast pulse high voltage DC power with star point modulate unit commutates with low voltage modulator solves the above problems, especially, the dip and overvoltag...


modulate 词典解释

1. 改变,调节(嗓音或声音)

If you modulate your voice or a sound, you change or vary its loudness, pitch, or tone in order to create a particular effect.

e.g. He carefully modulated his voice.



'Who's this?' asked a well-modulated voice.


2. 调节;调整

To modulate an activity or process means to alter it so that it is more suitable for a particular situation.


e.g. These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium.



The famine turned the normal modulation of climate into disaster.

正常的气候变化因饥荒而成了灾难。modulate 单语例句

1. I know bus announcement systems can modulate their volumes because I've seen buses in other cities with volumes just loud enough for the waiting passengers.

modulate 英英释义


1. vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves)

2. adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of

3. fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of

e.g. regulate the temperature

modulate the pitch

Synonym: regulate

4. vary the pitch of one's speech

Synonym: toneinflect

5. change the key of, in music

e.g. modulate the melody