

longitude:[英 [ˈlɒŋgɪtju:d] 美 [ˈlɑ:ndʒətu:d] ]



longitude 基本解释

名词经度,经线; [天]黄经


longitude 反义词



longitude 相关例句


1. longitude的近义词

1. The longitude of New York is 74 degrees west of Greenwich.


2. The line of zero degree longitude passes through Greenwich.


3. Our position is longitude 116 degrees east.


longitude 网络解释

1. 精度:可以说所有地图系统(比如常见的Google Maps,Bing Maps,ArcGIS,MapInfo等)都是通过精度(Longitude)和纬度(Latitude)来进行定位. 在Bing Maps开发中,我们也可以做到动态定位,Bing Maps Silverlight Control提供了动态定位的相关API我们可以直接调用.

2. 经线:大约正好十年前,Fourth Estate出版社因为(Longitude)一书而大获成功,一股历史故事的热潮便突然席卷了市场,然而,没有一本能够重现的成功.

3. longitude:long; 经度;经线

longitude 双语例句

1. Some projections can be visualized as a transparent globe with a light bulb at its center (though not all projections emanate from the globe's center) casting lines of latitude and longitude onto a sheet of paper.


2. longitude的解释

2. The world revolves once every 24 hours; there are 360 degrees to each rotation, therefore the world turns one degree of longitude every four minutes.


3. One degree of longitude equals four minutes of time all around the world. But in measuring distance, one degree shrinks from about one hundred nine kilometers at the equator to nothing at the north and south poles.


4. Prepared by the degree of latitude and longitude entry controls, coordinates included support for the preparation of procedures gis useful Kazakhstan.


5. longitude的意思

5. A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.


6. The line of zero degree longitude passes through Greenwich.

经度零度线穿过格林威治。基准子午线(经度 0 度的线;通过英国的格林威治 greenwich


7. The Republic of Portugal lies to the north of the Equator at latitude 3930 and longitude 800west of Greenwich Meridian.


8. Shennongjia in Hubei Province is located in the western border, by the Housing County, Xingshan, Badong County, the edges of the three components, across east longitude 109 ° 56 `, latitude 31 ° 15'-31 ° 57', the total area of 3253 square kilometers.


9. In order to integrate graphic digitized cadastral coordinates and make the cadastral map conform to existing circumstance, this study used three sections of Taichung City cadastral map of different cadastral coordinates as the experimental area. First, it calculated three cadastral maps in original longitude limit, cut-off rule and mixed iteration, to obtain three results. Then, it selected the mapping control point, block point or boundary point, and paired them randomly to obtain three TW97 coordinate values, such as the point-to-point condition, collinearity condition and distance condition. It analyzed the three TW97 coordinates and their difference to provide reference for the integration of three maps of Taichung.


10. The simulations are carried out on staggered longitude-latitude grids with 1°spacing.

这些模拟计算在经—纬网格距为 1°的交错网格上进行。

11. longitude

11. Type 190 Ballistics Longitude-Latitude Photographic Plate is dedicated for night photography of luminous ballistics of conventional or strategical arms.


12. From the distribution in the south 8 °-23 °, longitude 156 °-167 ° between the 15 islands, of which two uninhabited land area of 240 square kilometers.


13. The variation of the positions of the geomagnetic south pole in about 1930turned over, and it began to drift westward and southward after 1960.The direction of the axis of the dipole by about 1°in latitude and by about 3°in longitude in 20th century. That is far away from the reverse of the gomagnetic poles.


14. With the relationship between Ci and music as longitude, and the research of unique Ci-Diao as latitude, With the open field of vision and careful scientific analysis, this thesis draw some innovation of conclusions which is differ from the opinion of the elderly scholar, such as the spirit of the string and wind music which influenced the development of musical literature, the properties of the modes of ancient Chinese music and the function in the opuses of Ci, the concrete cooperation rules of tones of words and melodies, the explanation to the rhyme change of Xiao-Ling and the inflexion of Man-Ci, the conclusion of the characteristic of unique Ci-Diao, and the realization of writing method.


15. longitude什么意思

15. The same magnetic storms in different magnetic latitude and longitude according to chart the performance of very different.


16. Type190 Ballistics Longitude-Latitude Photographic Plate is dedicated for night photography of luminous ballistics of this domestic BLL photoplate and summarized a series of measures for solving these problens.


17. Modern and practical astronomy was developed in the 18th century, and successively from the theoretical and practical solution to the Sino-satellite instrument measuring time, too Seoul Scott multi-satellite measurements such as latitude, as well as simultaneous determination of longitude and latitude Supreme Court means the emergence of theodolite, contour instrument, the satellite instrument, zenith instrument, photographic zenith tube, sextant and other useful astronomical instruments, the most commonly used is the optical theodolite.20 century, all-round practical field of astronomy 60 years after the emergence of new technologies, such as satellite Dhoop Le observation and satellite laser ranging, not only the accuracy of more than optical observations, but also greatly improved operating speed, and can provide direct point of geocentric coordinates of the ground.


18. longitude的翻译

18. Cai Iji xiang located in Qingyang City, Gansu Province in northwestqing cheng xian, between east longitude 107 ° 19'to 107 ° 31', latitude 36 ° 04'to 36 ° 15'between the east-west width of 23 kilometers, north to south 31 kilometers, with a total land area of 145.14 square kilometers, east Ma Zhen, Jia-Xiang Zhai, Xiang-South soil, ice water with the adjacent rural fork, West, North and Central County border, south of high-lying north, the territory of China gully, Liang Mao and downs, Da Nang V palm touching song, showing the type of hilly and gully topography.


19. longitude什么意思

19. One hour of Timeequals 15 degrees in longitude, and for one hour of Time, we use onecent of Price.


20. Now a new generation of Global Positioning System satellites have been launched one after another, there are more than 20 satellites launched wave power satellites to operate at different longitude circle, he served as an observation point can also receive three satellite signals, and positioning, new satellite geometric geodetic Localization of speed, high precision, even the order of a few centimeters up to the measurement results, in the national defense, national economy and play a greater role, and will further promote the study of the Earth.


longitude 词典解释

1. 经度

The longitude of a place is its distance to the west or east of a line passing through Greenwich.


e.g. He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.


longitude 单语例句

1. Branson compared it to a competition launched in 1675 to devise a method of estimating longitude accurately.

2. The boat was last located at 122 degrees east longitude and 28 degrees north latitude, according to a local boat monitoring system.

3. It can help clients know their location at any time and place with accurate longitude, latitude and altitude data.

4. The team is now headed southward along a line 77 degrees east longitude.

5. All of them state clearly that the western limit of the Philippine territory is 118 degrees east longitude - Huangyan Island is outside this limit.

6. The satellite will change positions in orbit until it is finally fixed at a longitude of 42 degrees east.

7. This is the first time to get detailed environmental parameters at 80 degrees east longitude in the Indian Ocean.

longitude 英英释义


1. the angular distance between a point on any meridian and the prime meridian at Greenwich