

rote:[英 [rəʊt] 美 [roʊt] ]


rote 基本解释

名词死记硬背; 机械的作法,生搬硬套; 涛声


rote 相关例句


1. rote在线翻译

1. He recited the poem by rote.



2. She imitated her teacher by rote.


3. Learning by rote is discouraged in this school.


rote 网络解释

1. 死记硬背:学生能够不死记硬背(rote)吗?建构主义学习理论认为学生学习的过程,实际上是学生从外界获取信息并入行意义建构,最后形成自身的知识结构的过程. 它强调以学生为中心,认为学生是认知的主体,是意义建构的主动者,教师只起帮助、引导和促进作用.

2. 反复:rotatory 回转的 | rote 反复 | rotgut 劣质的酒

3. 机械方法:rhythm 节奏 | rote 机械方法 | satellite 卫星

4. rote

4. 死记硬背;机械的方法:demote 降级,降职 | rote 死记硬背;机械的方法 | baste 倒脂油于(烤肉上,以防烤干)


5. rote:range optical tracking equipment; 射程光学跟踪系统

rote 双语例句

1. He used to learn everything by rote.


2. You do not learn by rote, but you think critically.


3. If you study English by rote, you can't make it well.


4. It is no use remembering grammar rules by rote because there are no rules without exceptions.


5. The improvements in their school include programmes to learn through participation rather than by rote and the use of puppet theatre to help them cope with post-tsunami trauma.


6. On the one hand, rote learning is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly be of benefit/do good to us.


7. rote的意思

7. On the one hand, rote learning byrote is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, memorizing by heart with a good understanding willcertainly be of benefit to us.


8. rote是什么意思

8. On the one hand, rote learning/learning by rote is indeed of little help, but on the other hand, memorization/learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly be of benefit/do good to us.


9. That is partly because madrassas stress learning by rote, and sermons in mosques tend to be in Urdu or Arabic which few understand.


10. Now, I'm not talking about some New Age teaching that states that all one needs to do is spout a rote saying eighty-seven times every day and all their life's wishes will be granted.


11. It's not rote - you just get it because our brains are very in tune with patterns.


12. Children learn it by rote to pass examinations, and they don't see its relevance to the world around them.


13. rote的反义词

13. Sometimes, the word is to keep in mind, but sometimes the image may remember it, better than rote memorization.


14. Everyone has something good to say about Wade, and it wasn't just rote praise.


15. rote

15. It seems that there are no other ways to recite it except rote.


16. Children learn it by rote to pass examination.


17. rote是什么意思

17. Secondly, it is also important to rote some good articals by hart as possible.


18. I`ve sleepwalked though the last few years by rote


19. Do any rote activity that allows thoughts to swirl through your mind.


20. rote什么意思

20. For example, praise may be useful in motivating students to learn by rote, but it may discourage problem solving.


rote 词典解释

1. 死记硬背

Rote learning or learning by rote is learning things by repeating them without thinking about them or trying to understand them.

e.g. He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning...


e.g. You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote.


rote 单语例句

1. Every night before he slept, he forced himself to memorize by rote vocabulary.

2. Students are required to learn some of his essays by rote, sometimes including punctuations.

3. And to pass those exams, they are made to learn by rote standard answers.

4. Everywhere are axioms enunciated by him and made popular by generations of schoolchildren who learned all his words by rote.

5. She says knowing how to solve problems is more important than learning by rote, a process of establishing something in memory by repeating it.

6. We may be forced to memorize a multitude of things by rote, but by doing so we broaden and enrich our knowledge.

7. The current CET compels students to learn English by rote, neglecting its role as a communication tool and exerting a heavy burden on them.

8. Teachers push students to master technical showpieces by rote to impress judges at nationwide competitions that serve as entrance exams for top schools.

9. Confucius would turn in his grave if he knew how many students in China are learning by rote these days.

10. Only recently has the national curriculum started to tackle this problem by shifting away from rote learning to putting English into practice.

rote 英英释义


1. memorization by repetition

Synonym: rote learning